February 24, 2017

Jean Charles Combo
Claude Guérardisques 1979


Ik kan niet direkt vinden of Jean Charles nu uit Guadeloupe
komt of uit Martinique. Als jij het weet mag je het zeggen.
Warm geluid uit de Franse West Indies, dat is zeker. Biguine
en Cadence die je niet stil laten zitten, luister..

I could not find if Jean Charles is from Guadeloupe or from
Martinique. If you know, please tell us too. Warm sound from
the French West Indies, that is a sure thing. Biguine and cadence
that will keep you moving, listen..

tracks ;

01 – Critique
02 – Séparation
03 – Préparation
04 – Femme 20ième siecle
05 – Allovio
06 – Compas jcc


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  1. grapo 24 February 2017 at 15:53 - Reply

    lovely, thank You, perfect for a sunny weekend ahead :-) préparation already makes me dance…

  2. Anonymous 26 February 2017 at 00:21 - Reply

    Let’s party with this lp blasting! Yes! Oakland CA

  3. Tim 26 February 2017 at 14:44 - Reply

    Oh, this is really nice! Listened to it multiple times yesterday, doing so again as I eat Sunday breakfast. Thanks, Moos!

  4. Franco 4 March 2017 at 23:37 - Reply

    Neither from Guadeloupe nor from Martinique. This is sweet haitian music. Thanks again, Moos!

  5. Franco 5 March 2017 at 19:59 - Reply

    I must correct my previous statement. The singer (at least the one of the first song) is from Guadeloupe. That’s what my boyfriend says (he’s from Guadeloupe). Creole language spoken in Guadeloupe is slightly different from the ones spoken in Martinique and Haiti.
    But I don’t know if Jacques Jean-Charles, the sax player, is also from Guadeloupe…

  6. Anonymous 15 January 2019 at 08:26 - Reply

    In my opinion this LP is more from Haïti ! Linked to Claude Guérard, amazing Haitian producer.

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