April 29, 2018

Dona Ivone Lara

Sorriso de Criança, EMI / Odeon 1979

Sorriso Negro, Atlantic 1981



She was born april 13, 1921. Dona Ivone Lara da Costa
had some health problems and went to the Rio de Janeiro
hospital on her 97th birthday this year. Three days later
she passed away. Rest in peace Dona Ivone. She wrote a
couple of samba hits during her life, Acreditar, Sonho Meu,
Alguém me Avisou and Tiê were the most famous ones.

Ze werd geboren op 13 april 1921. Dona Ivone Lara da Costa
had al geruime tijd last van bloedarmoede. Op haar 97ste
verjaardag kreeg ze toenemende hart en ademhalingsklachten.
Ze werd opgenomen in het ziekenhuis in Rio de Janeiro en overleed
drie dagen later. Rust in vrede Dona Ivone. Ze schreef enkele grote
samba hits waaronder Acreditar, Sonho Meu, Alguém me Avisou
en Tiê. Samba minnend Brazilië zal haar nooit vergeten..

tracks Sorriso de Criança ;

01 – Sorriso de Criança
02 – Cantei só pra distrair
03 – Adeus a solidão
04 – O meu amor tem preço
05 – Quisera
06 – São paulo, chapadão de glória
07 – Sonho meu, Liberdade, Acreditar, Tiê, Andei para curimá
08 – Amar como eu amei
09 – Confesso
10 – Por querer liberdade
11 – Muro das lamentações



tracks Sorriso negro ;

01 – A sereia guiomar
02 – De braços com a felicidade
03 – Alguém me avisou
04 – Unhas
05 – Me deixa ficar
06 – Nunca mais
07 – Sorriso negro
08 – Adeus de um poeta
09 – Os cinco bailes da historia do rio
10 – Meu fim de carnaval não foi ruim
11 – Tendencia
12 – Axé de ianga


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  1. Everlyne 30 April 2018 at 04:26 - Reply

    This is great music. You should offer more female singer, especially from Africa.

  2. Alex 30 April 2018 at 05:17 - Reply

    Great artist. RIP. She should be well known as any of the American greats that dominate the world scene. Thanks Moos.


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