October 5, 2018

N’Kassa Cobra – N’Kassa Cobra
Arsom Records 1982


This is the first ever record we have from Guinee Bissau. The music
has a feel, slightly connected to the music from Angola. Both are
Portuguese speaking. They are a part by great distance so probably
I am talking nonsense but that’s my first feeling. One way or the other,
it sounds quite interesting. It seems this album used to be very expensive
but the recent discovery of stock made it affordable now. Listen..

Hier hebben we de eerste plaat die we zien uit Guinee Bissau. De muziek
doet rakelings denken aan die uit Angola. Misschien omdat beide landen
Portugees talig zijn, misschien raaskal ik nu maar zo voelt het. Hoe dan
ook, het klinkt zeer interessant en spannend op de één of andere manier.
Het schijnt dat deze plaat een tijd lang heel duur was maar door de recente
ontdekking van een partijtje verstopte exemplaren is hij nu redelijker
geprijsd. Luister naar N’Kassa Cobra..

tracks ;

01 – Fidalgo
02 – N’ha fanta
03 – Lay seck
04 – Toroça de estudante
05 – Obrigada amilcar
06 – Cabral mansó ganhêta
07 – Samba
08 – Manifesta
09 – N’tone varela
10 – Cumboça
11 – Tchon de trabadjo
12 – Mana saly belita


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  1. Anonymous 9 October 2018 at 10:13 - Reply

    Hey Moos, try Super Mama Djombo, “issan Na M’Bera” if only one song. not that hard to get. you will love it.

    Best regards

  2. […] N’Kassa Cobra, self titled 1982 […]

  3. Ian Franey 30 November 2021 at 17:40 - Reply

    Indeed SMD does have some gems and there was a rerelease of their tasty material some time ago. They have some very memorable tracks and a haunting feel throughout. I first heard it whilst there many moons ago and it’s one of those tunes that pops unannounced into my brain once in a while.

  4. Anonymous 1 December 2021 at 10:48 - Reply


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