July 14, 2019

Youssou N’Dour et le Super Etoile de Dakar
Kocc Barma, Saprom 1987


I recently received a request by blogfriend Mouhamadou.
He asked for some of the tapes by Youssou N’Dour et le
Super Etoile de Dakar. There are two in my collection I
didn’t post yet of which this one. It is volume 13, Kocc
Barma from 1987. The other one is volume 8, Immigres Bitim
Rew. Let’s listen to this one first, atmospheric sound ..

Onlangs kreeg ik een verzoek van blog vriend Mouhamadou.
Hij vroeg om enkele casettes van Youssou N’Dour et le Super
Etoile de Dakar. Ik heb er twee van in mijn collectie die nog
niet gepost waren waarvan dit er een is. Het betreft volume 13,
Kocc Barma uit 1987. De andere is Immigres Bitim Rew. Laten we
eerst luisteren naar deze, zeer sfeerrijke plaat ..

Absa Gueye from 1980
Star Band de Dakar from 1980
Ndeetel Weer Wi from 1986
Djamil vol.6 from 1983
Star Band de Dakar IK 3031
Xalis from 1978
Yarou vol.5 from 1983
Immigres Bitim Rew 1985
Gaïndé from 1988
Ndiadiane Ndiaye from 1982
nelson Mandela from 1985
Daby vol.7 from 1983
Etoile de Dakar discography
Super Etoile de Dakar discography
Etoile de Dakar, Wikipedia

tracks ;

01 – Woo-ma
02 – Bés
03 – Mbëgéél
04 – Kocc barma
05 – Juum
06 – Old tucson


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  1. Anonymous 15 July 2019 at 10:41 - Reply

    Thanks very much as usual!

    Also check out for a lot of Super Etoile and other sengalese bands (incl. my favourite Super Diamono)

  2. Mouhamadou 15 July 2019 at 13:10 - Reply

    Thanks a lot Moos for this album. The reason why I asked about those albums is because I like the quality of the sound that comes out from your tapes. By any chance, do you have Reconciliation by Poly-Rythmo? That LP had been stuck on my mind lately. Thanks once again.

    • Moos 15 July 2019 at 19:53 - Reply

      .. afraid not Mouhamadou, wish I did though ..

  3. […] Kocc Barma 1987 A la Mémoire de Marc Samb 1983 Nelson Mandela 1985 Ndiadiane Ndiaye 1982 Gaïndé 1988 Immigres/Bitim Rew 1985 Yarou vol. 5 1983 Xalis Star Band de Dakar Djamil vol. 6 1983 Ndeetel Weer Wi 1986 Star Band de Dakar, Adioupe Nar 1980 Etoile de Dakar, Absa Gueye 1980 Discogs Wikipedia […]

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