June 29, 2020

Have African Feeling with African Brothers Band Int.
Yerewensa …, Happy Bird 1980

De African Brothers komen vandaag weer eens op bezoek.
We hadden we al zo’n 25 tot nu toe. Deze plaat is uit 1980.
Onverwoestbare Ghanese highlife, elke liefhebber is het
erover eens. Van de African brothers krijg je nooit genoeg ..

Nana Ampadu’s African Brothers are once again on the menu
today. We had us some 25 of their records so far. This one is
from 1980. Indestructible Ghanaian highlife, every lover of the
style agrees. You never get enough of the African Brothers ..

All albums at the GG

01 – Yerewensa wose shirt
—- Moma no nye
—- Yebesan ako fie
02 – Sika anibere
—- Daakye wo be hu
—- Momfa ye adwuma nsere yen


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  1. Tony 29 June 2020 at 14:31 - Reply

    Enjoying this very much. Thanks so much for the post.

  2. Nick 29 June 2020 at 20:29 - Reply

    Thanks Moos, great to see your site is running so smoothly again – thanks to everyone who got it sorted!!

    • Moos 1 July 2020 at 06:33 - Reply

      I’ll pass the word
      and thank you
      for your support ..

  3. Stefano 6 July 2020 at 08:40 - Reply

    This is a beautiful record, and from here on I have downloaded anything you posted about this band (plus many other things, of course, I don’t know how to thank you for this)
    At this point, however, I begin to become seriously curious about the topic of songs, what they talk about, and things like that …
    Is there no way to know more about this?
    Thanks very much for your blog, Moos !
    Have a nice week :-)

    • Moos 6 July 2020 at 20:50 - Reply

      .. start learning Ghanaian maybe ..

      • Stefano 7 July 2020 at 12:09 - Reply

        of course :-D
        but it is too much for me, I think, although I would like it very much. :-)
        it would be nice if some Ghanaians did it, I can’t believe there is none here …….
        Also these guys seem to have been very famous in Ghana, is it possible that there is no publications about them and their songs?
        Thank god there is the music.
        And thanks to you I could hear it :-)
        Cheers from Italy

  4. Kwabena Boakye 14 July 2020 at 03:31 - Reply

    African Brothers is one of my favorite. Nice video brings back old memories

  5. Luke 23 July 2020 at 07:23 - Reply

    this is my favorite album of theirs! thanks moos!

  6. […] Have African Feeling 1980 Wonka Mma Wo Nnte Check Point Odo Me Nsee Nketenketenkete High Life Beat Kyerema Way 1981 Oman Bo Adwo Agatha 1981 Obiara Wo Nea Otumi No 1978 Ankonam Mobro Osekufuo The Best of Kwame Ampadu Nea Medofo Aye Me Wodee Wokoo na Wonuanom Mede Wo Ka A 1984 Enyimba di N’aba Owuo Aye Me Bi 1982 Osoro Siane Sanbra Afrohili Soundz 1973 Gyae Su led by Paa Steel Ampadu 1970 Yaa Amponsa Special 1974 Abortion titel Me Poma 1984 Ampadu Boateng Dammirifua Me Poma (Sterns) […]

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