July 19, 2020

the Best of Vis-a-Vis – in Congo Style
Ride Away / Ambassador 1976

On this sunday morning we’ve got something different.
Ghanaian band Vis-aVis play six songs in Congo style.
The first track has some nasty pops and is therefore
quite bad sounding in the beginning. I have thought
about skipping it. From one third it starts sounding
better though so I left it for you to decide if you still
want to keep it. Isaac Yeboah, Sammy Cropper and
their group really nail this, they were still very young
here but clearly know what they’re doing, they prove
themselves extremely versatile .. enjoy your sunday ..

goede morgen, op deze zondag ochtend hebben we
een bijzondere plaat voor je. De Ghanese band Vis-aVis
speelt zes nummers in Congo stijl. Het eerste nummer
heeft enkele lelijke plops en klinkt daardoor nogal slecht
in het begin. Ik had het bijna weggelaten maar na één
derde wordt het weer zeer acceptabel en heb ik besloten
het aan jou over te laten of je het bewaart. Isaac Yeboah,
Sammy Cropper en hun groep doen dit ondanks hun lage
leeftijd erg goed. Ze weten duidelijk wat ze
doen en blijken zeer veelzijdig.

Odo Gu Ahoroo 1976
High-Life Time 1982
Tops Vis a Vis – Kalabule 1979
Sammy Cropper – Papa Akwasi 1978
Tony Sarfo wth Sammy Cropper – Little Angel 1985
Highlife Treasure

01 – Medofo pa
02 – Asalam alekum
03 – Vic sanbra
04 – Efre adofo
05 – Cherie bondowe
06 – Nsenkeka adooso


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  1. Kwabena Boakye 20 July 2020 at 20:01 - Reply

    Wow. Simply amazing.
    Sammy Cropper on the guitar and Slim on the bass.
    Most of these guys made up K Frimpong’s Cubano fiestas so you know this is good stuff.
    Thank you for this.

  2. Barron Beshoar 21 July 2020 at 06:08 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    I commented a few days ago that I was unable to download from you after your recent technical problem. As it happens, I had a glitch, too, and had to repair my antivirus & firewall program, Vipre. The current situation is that I can download from Global Groove, but to do so I now have to shut down Vipre altogether. This is not a very satisfactory solution, but I don’t expect that it requires any action on your part. It may be the result of a recent Vipre update. I just wanted you to know in the event that another user encounters a similar problem.

    Thanks for all you do. Stay safe and healthy!

  3. Cole 25 July 2020 at 16:39 - Reply

    Moos, you always amaze me. Thank you for this. Much love. Cole

    • Moos 25 July 2020 at 16:59 - Reply

      Hey Cole, so good to see you’re
      still going strong .. cheers man

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