February 4, 2022

Akwaboa’s Guitar Band
Leader: Bob Akwaboa
Ececutive / Ambassador LPEX 003

Who do we find today ? Yes it is Master Kwabena Akwaboa
or in short Bob Akwaboa. This album from I don’t know what
year, is a little scratchy. Fortunately it gets better along the way.
Very welcome addition from the Master. Find some decent info
in our post ‘Hwemibi Nako’ by blogfriends Kwabena Boakye,
Thomas and Bill O’Neill. Always a joy listening to Master
Bob Akwaboa despite the background noise ..

Wie vinden we vandaag ? Jaa, het is Master Kwabena Akwaboa
of kort Bob Akwaboa. Deze plaat uit ik weet niet welk jaar is een
beetje krakerig, maar gelukkig wordt dat gaandeweg wat minder.
Zeer welkome toevoeging van de meester. Kijk in de ‘Hwemibi Nako’
post voor meer info, gestuurd door blog vriend Kwabena Boakye,
Thomas en Bill O’Neill. Altijd fijn luisteren naar Master Bob
Akwaboa ondanks de achtergrond geluiden ..


Fidie Wura
Akwaboah’s Guitar Band
Hwemibi Nako
Meye Meye
Yede Owuo Ka
Wagye Wodee Anaa
Maye Kom

01 – Ena ne agya awu
02 – Menni ntakra
03 – Adware ye foe
04 – Anwawa do
05 – Fabewo so
06 – Asem ayere meso
07 – Se wo maame atu wofo a
08 – Mmere ara na ereko no
09 – Woni panin a due
10 – Mani so tan ne
11 – Onua pa due no.2
12 – Me kosekose wo metrim


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  1. Anonymous 4 February 2022 at 16:53 - Reply

    Well scratched well loved well executed. Bedank

  2. Kwabena Boakye 5 February 2022 at 22:50 - Reply

    Master Bob Kwabena Akwaboah is a household name in Ghana highlife and his son (Kojo Akwaboah) and grandson (Akwaboah)are continuing his singing legacy, having done a duet recently to honor Master Bob.
    Its always a pleasure to see his music here at the global groove and he was also born on a Tuesday as well, which is why his middle name is Kwabena.
    Thank you very much for the album and the mention as well.

    • Moos 6 February 2022 at 08:37 - Reply

      ..and thank you for your steady feed back Kwabena ..

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