May 9, 2008

Partido Alto Nota 10 – Genaro & Bezerra da Silva, CID 1977


Bezerra da Silva always guarantees a solid piece of samba.
Samba as sweet as Guarana and pancakes,
according to this nice cover.


1 A necessidade
2 Malandro demais vira bicho
3 Coisa da antiga
4 Cobra criada
5 Gato com bronca
6 Chico chora
7 O Ricardao
8 Dona Maria Baiana
9 Dedo duro
10 Cara de boi / O trambiqueiro}
11 O pinel
12 Ja falei com voce


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  1. .fAbiáN 9 May 2008 at 11:35 - Reply

    Moos, the music on your blog is just incredible. Really, thanks a lot for letting people discover this incredible music that otherwise would be impossible to get.
    This album of Genaro e Bezerra da Silva is making me feel in my continent (although I’m Mexican, you wouldn’t believe the similarities between our music), while I freeze in an Australian winter.
    THanks a lot, really.

  2. moos 9 May 2008 at 12:18 - Reply

    Summer is just getting started here,hang in there Fabián.
    We’ll give it a push…

  3. dial africa 3 January 2011 at 06:51 - Reply

    Good morning Moos,
    here is still a RS link.

  4. moos 3 January 2011 at 08:12 - Reply

    good morning Dial Africa, I changed it for you, enjoy.

  5. dial africa 5 January 2011 at 08:39 - Reply

    Thank you!

  6. Thankfull Guy 7 September 2014 at 15:11 - Reply

    hi there
    thanks for the load of bezerra da silva.
    there seems to be a problem with this file.
    and other bezerra’s albums too.
    thanks for the great job though.
    an unrelated question: you got anything from Bana?
    have a nice sunday

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