June 14, 2008

Pacheco – Tres de Cafe y Dos de Azucar
Fania 1973

This here LP is a real treasure, I played it over and over, and over
again. From ’73 this Johnny Pacheco with singer Pete ‘El Conde’
Rodriguez, a Fania beauty. It’s a shame that no musicians are credited
here, ‘Tres de Cafe, Dos de Azucar, Ponle Punto’. Produced by
‘Jerry Masucci’ and ‘Johnny Pacheco’. Fantastic background
vocals, great rhythms, ” Azucar !”


1 Primoroso cantar
2 Cositas buenas
3 Ponle punto
4 La gloria eres tu
5 Los diablitos
6 El piro de farra
7 Son labori
8 Harina con boniato
9 Bajo el viejo cristal
10 Viralo al reves


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  1. Anonymous 15 June 2008 at 10:04 - Reply

    Hoi “Moos”,

    Ziet er goed uit!
    Heb deze gedownload en kreeg meteen zin om bij El Rancho een lekker beef De lomo te gaan eten ;-)

    Keep up the good work.



  2. moos 16 June 2008 at 06:30 - Reply

    Goed gedaan Ilja, was ‘t lekker ?
    Hoop dat je de muziek ook zo lekker vindt,

  3. Anonymous 18 June 2008 at 14:54 - Reply

    i just found your blog – and have already a lot of fun!!! love esp. the Fuentes & Fania things here! Thank you very much for your work & sharing!!!

  4. yezid 20 June 2008 at 22:00 - Reply

    oiga mi llave siga tirando de la fania de sar y de fuente…eso si es musica brava……gracias—gracias

  5. aluvsupreme 8 July 2008 at 15:47 - Reply

    Greetings Moos. Thanks for posting things that I have on vinyl but not digitally. Now I can enjoy them at work and through my headphones.

    Also here is the information on the musicians on this set:
    -Johnny Pacheco Leader, percussion, flute, vocals, coro
    -Pete “El Conde” Rodriguez Lead singer, percussion
    -Héctor “Bomberito” Zarzuela Lead trumpet
    -Victor Venegas Bass
    -Charlie Rodríguez “Tribilin” Tres
    -Luis Mangual Bongos
    -Ray Maldonado Trumpet
    -Ray Castro Coro

    Take care,

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