July 4, 2008

King Sunny Ade & his African Beats
Juju Music of the 80’s
Sunny Alade Records 1981

From Nigeria here’s another fine piece of Juju, ‘King Sunny Ade’
is back with a smile. How do you like his new dresses ?
On the previous Sunny Ade rip I made the mistake to add skips
manually, I did not make that mistake again.
The first side of the album aswell as the second are like
one big track, I thaught I’d better leave it that way.


1 Osupa mi tole – Bi ko seni akii gbon – Ibi lero siwa – Ota ile pada lehin mi
2 Ara nfu mi – Oro fi sibe – T’oluwa ni o se – Alhaji abudu amoo ( Shola motors )


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  1. Norio 24 March 2009 at 19:32 - Reply

    Wow! This is some kind of *HOT*! This is the best King Sunny Ade that I have had the opportunity to hear. Thank you very much for sharing this music, and for all the other great music on your blog. I thought I knew about music, but after browsing your site, I realize that I have much to learn. There are many artists with which I am not familiar.

    Thank you also for for releasing complete albums, and for taking the time to rip these tunes as high-quality MP3s and for taking the time to give us high-quality scans of the covers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


  2. moos 25 March 2009 at 07:11 - Reply

    You know Norio,
    It is for people like you that I make this blog.
    And I’m so happy to see you enjoy it so much..

  3. Norio 26 March 2009 at 16:00 - Reply

    I am very glad you feel that way.

    I think the ultimate tribute to you is that I found myself downloading so much of your music that I signed up for a rapidshare account. I do not sign up for such things or even just register if that’s required for doing something, so it is unusual.

    For many years now, I have had friends & acquaintances give me a strange look when I indicated my love of “world” music. So, another great aspect of your blog is that I am finding out that there are many other people who share my tastes in music, and I do not feel like such an alien anymore. :)

  4. Leke 27 January 2011 at 18:07 - Reply

    Can’t thank you enough… When I saw the picture on this album here on your site, memory became a picture… This album is smooth, sublime Sunny Ade at the height of his creativity. It brought back memories, and perhaps a stillborn tear … Thank you: for your commitment, your time, and everything else that’s gone into bringing this upload here.

  5. Frank 2 March 2012 at 18:12 - Reply

    I remember this album well but i no longer have it! How exciting! thank you so much…

    The link seems to have expired, if you could reload it, it would make my day!


  6. […] Check ‘E’ 1981 Synhro System 1983 the Golden Mercury of Africa 1979 Juju Music 1982 Juju Music of the 80’s […]

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