August 17, 2008

Mahmoud Ahmed – Erè Mèla Mèla, Buda Musique

Mahmoud Ahmed, front

From Mali and Nigeria we go to Ethiopia, this music is unique
in it’s kind. Terms like ‘Melancholy blues’, ‘Brassy Danceable
Urban Jazz’, ‘Heart-wrenching’ are named but it remains hard to
give a proper discription of this sound. Anyway, it is very nice
and Mahmoud Ahmed is one of their Biggest artists, it was originally
issued in 1975 but this is a recent re-release, listen !


1 Abbay mado – Embwa bèlèw
2 Atawurulegn léla
3 Tezeta
4 Ohoho gédama
5 Ebakesh tarèqign
6 Erè mèla mèla Mètché nèw
7 Sedètègnash nègn – Samerayé
8 Endénèsh gèdawo

Link has been removed on request of publisher !

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  1. aduna 17 August 2008 at 13:56 - Reply

    Very great blog. Congratulations and many thanks!

  2. moos 17 August 2008 at 19:05 - Reply

    Same to you Aduna,

  3. mgunin 26 August 2008 at 09:25 - Reply

    Great album, thank you! Do you have any other releases of Buda label?

  4. mgunin 26 August 2008 at 09:25 - Reply

    Great album, thank you! Do you have any other releases of Buda label?

  5. Anonymous 26 August 2008 at 22:16 - Reply

    Thank you very much for this wonderful music…
    Best regards from Greece…
    Keep goin’…
    All the best!!!

  6. Anonymous 26 August 2008 at 22:16 - Reply

    Thank you very much for this wonderful music…
    Best regards from Greece…
    Keep goin’…
    All the best!!!

  7. moos 28 August 2008 at 06:12 - Reply

    Heelo Greece,

    Nice to have you around,

  8. moos 28 August 2008 at 06:12 - Reply

    Heelo Greece,

    Nice to have you around,

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