August 14, 2008

Pacheco – The Artist
Fania 1977

Pacheco, front, cd size

Hello Groovers, your long waiting is finally rewarded.
Johnny Pacheco takes us for another New York Salsa ride,
and he knows the way like no other. Pacheco, ‘the Artist’.


1 Esa prieta
2 La yerba brava
3 Mi propia sangre
4 La chiva
5 Dirindinde
6 El inventor
7 Amarra el perro
8 Tu no sabes na
9 Ileana
10 Corso y montuno


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  1. Paul 1 August 2010 at 19:56 - Reply

    Me la llevo. Me la levo. Esa Prieta, what fierce songl Es tremendo el disco entero!!! Thank you for posting. Que vive la salsa!

  2. Paul 1 August 2010 at 19:56 - Reply

    Me la llevo. Me la levo. Esa Prieta, what fierce songl Es tremendo el disco entero!!! Thank you for posting. Que vive la salsa!

  3. gee gee c 5 May 2012 at 14:08 - Reply

    I love this album! Been looking for it..Thanks for the post!

  4. gee gee c 5 May 2012 at 14:08 - Reply

    I love this album! Been looking for it..Thanks for the post!

  5. gee gee c 5 May 2012 at 14:12 - Reply

    I’ve been looking for this album, lost it in my travels. R.I.P.Hector Casanova.. hope to download this Gem! Thanks for Posting this GlobalGroove!

  6. gee gee c 5 May 2012 at 14:12 - Reply

    I’ve been looking for this album, lost it in my travels. R.I.P.Hector Casanova.. hope to download this Gem! Thanks for Posting this GlobalGroove!

  7. keffenanu 12 July 2013 at 09:00 - Reply

    Hey, link is broken, could you re-upload?? Been looking all over for this album

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