September 11, 2008

Dioris Valladares con su Conjunto Típico
Merengues volume 1, Ansonia

This is Merengue by Dioris Valladares from the Dominican
Republic. It is traditional old merengue at it’s best.
Good from beginning to end.

( I used to say some untrue things which
were changed after the various comments )


1 Compay Cucu
2 Si delincas te mato
3 Ay! mi vida
4 Las batatas
5 Los dos merengues
6 Buche y pluma no ma
7 El can can
8 Por culpa de un saxofon
9 Yanico
10 El secreto de Sandy
11 Paulina
12 Gratey


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  1. Ben The Balladeer 20 September 2008 at 18:44 - Reply

    Thanks for posting this one. I did not have Vol 1. If you want I can send you volume 2. In Vol 1 Angel Viloria is the band leader, after his sudden death the sax player of the group “Ramon Garcia” took over.The band with Angel Viloria also has two albums Venezuelan Sonus label.
    This has always been my favorite Merengue band.
    Check out my music Blogs

  2. J Thyme...kind 22 September 2008 at 04:53 - Reply

    Moos, I’m curious to try some of these recordings, but it’s very confusing if this is a latin recording or an African one? Could you be a bit more descriptive to those us who have no idea of what this form is like?

  3. J Thyme...kind 22 September 2008 at 05:35 - Reply

    This page clearly states that this artist is from Puerto Rico.

    Why do you post this as from Africa?

  4. J Thyme...kind 23 September 2008 at 05:45 - Reply

    Actually, this one here is much closer to my song sense. Two minute compositions are so much easier for my ear. If I’ve learned anything from my two years of blogging, it’s that if you’ve heard it 20 times, then words would certainly be easy enough to convey about the stand-out aspects of a recording. Say that the electric bass work is worth checking out. Say that the drumming is full of charm. Say that there are some records that “JUST HAVE IT”. Gee, when you use to stop by my page & say hello to a post that you liked, you would impart more heart then your offering here.
    I would like to discover some of these gems that you’re posting & I want you to EDUCATE ME. Please hold my hand a little. Much of this is new turf & I rely on your words to guide me. Please understand.

  5. moos 23 September 2008 at 06:23 - Reply

    I invite you to my house, if you see my records and know how much time I’ve got. If I would only post albums I heard 20 times I’d post one LP a month.
    I shall try to guide a little more, but still, I’ll do it my way.
    Reaally hope you to find more of your likings,

  6. DonArmando809 3 March 2010 at 19:23 - Reply

    fitst of oall Dioris Valldares was not puerto rican
    listen to angle villoria la empaliza he was born in san pedro de macoris
    i n one line on la empaliza angel villoria he said la tierra de arcoiris de san pedro de macoris

  7. Mary Valladares 10 December 2012 at 22:02 - Reply

    I’m the son of Dioris Valladares, Nelson Valladares, my Dad was from Santo Domingo and his music was all orignal from his heart, not for rich and fame. Fame recognised his talents later on in life. He would be up all night until the sun rose. Dad composed, played and performed for the people of all nations an countries, for there enjoyment. He loved people but most of all through good times and hard times there was always a song in his heart for someone. He took the worlds pain upon his shoulders and expressed the folk lore living it playing it through his music. He helped so many people an never sought credit for it. He would always tell me the man who is in need and you can help him, do it and God will help you to help another. That was the real man behind the music.

  8. Anthony Martinez 27 December 2012 at 17:00 - Reply

    Thank You Nelson Valladares, your dad is one of our precious composers and musician, and for letting people know he is from our Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic not Puerto Rico. I’m always in search of his albums but they are not easy to find.

  9. Fev Gomeli 6 January 2014 at 22:33 - Reply

    Si tu quieres que yo te diga donde fue que yo naci, en la tierra del arcoiris en San Pedro de Macoris (Which is a providence of Dominican Republic), Sammy Sosa,Juan Luis Guerra, and Juan Luis (from Juan Luis y sus Mulatos) are from San Pedro. I think Angel Viloria was from Satiango, Ramon Garcia though, the sax players is from Puerto Rico, i doesnt matter though.

    • JF Merengue 17 October 2021 at 05:30 - Reply

      Os integrantes do Conjunto Típico Cibaeño que eram Portorriquenhos
      Foram os corista e contrabaixo
      Eladio Peguero ( Yayo ) e
      Willie Sosia

  10. Anonymous 24 March 2014 at 23:08 - Reply

    Dioris Valladares fue y sera el mejor cantante de merenques, esas grabaciones que el interpreto con Angel Vilorias tales como la Cruz, Amorios, El Gallero y muchas mas no han sido igualadas por nadie mas, a

  11. JF Merengue 17 October 2021 at 05:26 - Reply

    Dioris Valladares não era Portorriquenho
    Era Dominicano
    Nascido em São Pedro De Macorís
    Seu nome completo apesar de não ser necessário eu escrever aqui mas sinto o desejo de escrever
    Nelson Isidoro De La Altagracia Valladares

    Trabalhou com Angel Viloria e Depois do falecimento desse
    Ramon Garcia assumiu o Conjunto e Dioris continuou como vocalista

    Pouco tempo depois ele assumiu o Conjunto

    Em 1955 formou uma orquestra
    Ramon Garcia não fazia parte dessa orquestra.

  12. […] Merengues vol. 1 Angel Viloria, Merengues vol. 1 Angel Viloria y su Conjunto Cibaeño, Merengues vol. 2 1975 […]

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