October 12, 2008

Romica Puceanu – Cine Nu Stie Ce-i Doru
Electrecord 1975

Romica Puceanu, front, cd size

Romica Puceanu, back_r2_c2

Now pay attention !

I am so very happy to finally have found an original Romanian
pressing of an album, so beautiful, I can cry.
No seriously, Romica Puceanu came to me first time
when I bought the great Suburban_Bucharest.
I was so very impressed by her two songs on that cd, that voice.

Maybe you think; Romanian music, not for me, but don’t mistake here.
Just listen to this heartwarming music and you will understand
why Romica Puceanu had the gypsies weeping all around her.
She started her career singing in bars. At age 14 she was
more or less discovered and guided by the Brothers Gore, with
whom she made several records. On this LP she is backed by
Orchestra Florea Cioaca and on acordeon, Bebe Serban.
I have taken the tracklist from the backsleeve this time
so I can’t go wrong. ( all those symbols )


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  1. symbolkid 12 October 2008 at 22:43 - Reply

    how sweet! i’m just melting) your collection and your taste are superb. thank you a lot for your blog.

  2. moos 13 October 2008 at 06:26 - Reply

    it jerks a tear or two, don’t it ?
    Irresistible music.

  3. moos 13 October 2008 at 06:26 - Reply

    it jerks a tear or two, don’t it ?
    Irresistible music.

  4. yoni 13 October 2008 at 13:59 - Reply

    fantastic, fantastic, fantastic. keep up the great work, you are one of the reasons the internet was invented!

  5. yoni 13 October 2008 at 13:59 - Reply

    fantastic, fantastic, fantastic. keep up the great work, you are one of the reasons the internet was invented!

  6. Anonymous 13 October 2008 at 15:36 - Reply

    thanks, fantastic music.

    here you can find more from her:

    greets karl

  7. Anonymous 13 October 2008 at 15:36 - Reply

    thanks, fantastic music.

    here you can find more from her:

    greets karl

  8. moos 14 October 2008 at 05:57 - Reply

    Wow, great link anonymous, thanks

  9. moos 14 October 2008 at 05:57 - Reply

    Wow, great link anonymous, thanks

  10. yoni 14 October 2008 at 13:15 - Reply

    moos one more thing, the track numbers aren’t tagged properly, just thought you should know!

  11. yoni 14 October 2008 at 13:15 - Reply

    moos one more thing, the track numbers aren’t tagged properly, just thought you should know!

  12. moos 14 October 2008 at 19:45 - Reply

    I’ll check that Yoni, thanks

  13. moos 14 October 2008 at 19:45 - Reply

    I’ll check that Yoni, thanks

  14. biscan 14 February 2009 at 23:41 - Reply

    Wonderful stuff, thank you so much!

  15. biscan 14 February 2009 at 23:41 - Reply

    Wonderful stuff, thank you so much!

  16. Anonymous 4 June 2009 at 17:58 - Reply

    hi, great blog first of all.
    about Romica Puceanu, the people of asphalt tango, label from berlin, repressed some romanian music of the 60. the serie called Sounds From A Bygone Age is great and you can find a complete album by Romica Puceanu. get a look here

  17. Anonymous 4 June 2009 at 17:58 - Reply

    hi, great blog first of all.
    about Romica Puceanu, the people of asphalt tango, label from berlin, repressed some romanian music of the 60. the serie called Sounds From A Bygone Age is great and you can find a complete album by Romica Puceanu. get a look here

  18. raybo 13 September 2009 at 19:21 - Reply

    The link mentioned above

    has the English translations of the song titles and a different track order.

  19. raybo 13 September 2009 at 19:21 - Reply

    The link mentioned above

    has the English translations of the song titles and a different track order.

  20. K 16 February 2010 at 00:28 - Reply

    This is great thank you. ANd thank you for the documnet with the song tracks. That was very kind.


  21. K 16 February 2010 at 00:28 - Reply

    This is great thank you. ANd thank you for the documnet with the song tracks. That was very kind.


  22. Anonymous 12 May 2010 at 01:57 - Reply

    Thanks a million. Romica was a goddess.

  23. Anonymous 12 May 2010 at 01:57 - Reply

    Thanks a million. Romica was a goddess.

  24. Anonymous 6 October 2010 at 23:11 - Reply

    There is an amazing amount of Romanian music available for download, at

    Much of it is FLAC/Lossless

    Romica Puceanu and similar singers can be found on many pages, if you search for her.

    An equally great singer from Bucovina is: Sofia Vicoveanca–totally different than Puceanu, but no less interesting.

    You have to register to download at

  25. Anonymous 6 October 2010 at 23:11 - Reply

    There is an amazing amount of Romanian music available for download, at

    Much of it is FLAC/Lossless

    Romica Puceanu and similar singers can be found on many pages, if you search for her.

    An equally great singer from Bucovina is: Sofia Vicoveanca–totally different than Puceanu, but no less interesting.

    You have to register to download at

  26. Serafima Zarya 30 April 2011 at 12:54 - Reply

    I finally find something more related to Romica.
    Thanks a lot…
    but are there anywhere that I can find their lyrics, esp. for the song Eu de cand te-am cunoscut?
    I’ve been finding it for days!

  27. Serafima Zarya 30 April 2011 at 12:54 - Reply

    I finally find something more related to Romica.
    Thanks a lot…
    but are there anywhere that I can find their lyrics, esp. for the song Eu de cand te-am cunoscut?
    I’ve been finding it for days!

  28. Ionut 17 October 2011 at 18:13 - Reply

    Hello from Romania. My name is Ionut Macelaru and today i discovered your blog.
    I want to congratulate you for what you do: I found a lot of good music and rare.
    I am looking for a while, an album with Rising Sound, (four African musicians with very special voice).In Romania disc appeared in 1977. You can help me?

  29. Ionut 17 October 2011 at 18:13 - Reply

    Hello from Romania. My name is Ionut Macelaru and today i discovered your blog.
    I want to congratulate you for what you do: I found a lot of good music and rare.
    I am looking for a while, an album with Rising Sound, (four African musicians with very special voice).In Romania disc appeared in 1977. You can help me?

  30. […] vraag ik om uw speciale aandacht. Het was in oktober van 2008 dat ik voor het eerst een plaatje van Romica Puceanu heb gebracht. Ik was toen al zeer gelukkig dat ik er een gevonden had. Het heeft nog eens 8 jaar […]

  31. Biu Awen 13 November 2016 at 16:45 - Reply

    Wonderful, Moos! Thank you!! :)

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