November 16, 2008

Tapper Zukie – MPLA, Virgin’s Frontline 1978

” Since music is the school of love
I King Tapper Zukie rock the musical atmosphere

I no wan’ no war; I run to keep I life, yah !
That don’t mean I’m a simpleton, yaah !
I man jus’ umble !

This music make you walk and this music make you talk
And this music make you say it’s a sound a boss !

I man red; and if you not red you ah go dead;
And if you not dead, you ah go dread…”

‘Tapper Zukie’

This is maybe Tappa’s best LP, when it came out, we went
totally nuts. I remember Tapper playing at Paradiso Amsterdam,
they tore down the place, we had a great night.


1 Pick up the rockers
2 M.P.L.A.
3 Don’t get crazy
4 Go de natty
5 Stop the gun shooting
6 Ital pot
7 Marcus
8 Chalice to chalice
9 Don’t deal with Babylon
10 Freedom


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  1. rastaman 16 November 2008 at 18:51 - Reply

    two album reggae in one week….wooowooooo
    it’s is rare on virgin label LP, rare cover on LP .many thanks moos…

  2. rastaman 16 November 2008 at 18:51 - Reply

    two album reggae in one week….wooowooooo
    it’s is rare on virgin label LP, rare cover on LP .many thanks moos…

  3. moos 16 November 2008 at 21:55 - Reply

    so glad you like’m, this one always was one of my favs, bless..

  4. moos 16 November 2008 at 21:55 - Reply

    so glad you like’m, this one always was one of my favs, bless..

  5. papagato 2 December 2008 at 20:47 - Reply

    Quite Old-fashion !
    Reminds me some smoky times of my youth…


  6. papagato 2 December 2008 at 20:47 - Reply

    Quite Old-fashion !
    Reminds me some smoky times of my youth…


  7. Ben Philips 19 January 2017 at 18:48 - Reply

    Your music choice is faboulus, i download a cd from 1971 and 1973 syliphone discotheque 71 , and 73, i missed it in my collection, beautiful african older music. Thanks,

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