December 18, 2008

Original Shleu-Shleu,
Original Shleu Shleu, Soul, SS Records 1975

Original Shleu Shleu, front

This is one of the LP’s I promised to rip some time ago.
Someone asked, “What does Shleu-Shleu mean ?”, the sleevenotes
on this LP say, “Shleu-Shleu is the name of some mysterious
African tribe.” As for me, that’s just fine. The music is so
fantastic here, you can’t stop dancing. A killer from
beginning to end. Compas with a Soulful kind of Gypsie feel.
Thanks for waking me Arnaud.


1 Poté colé
2 Toujou juré
3 Pran courage
4 Green light
5 Kann Kalé
6 Zoizo lan bois
7 O.S.S. Merengue


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  1. avocado kid 19 December 2008 at 09:03 - Reply


  2. avocado kid 19 December 2008 at 09:03 - Reply


  3. Arnaud 19 December 2008 at 10:44 - Reply

    Dear Santa Moos,
    Thanks for that lovely early Xmas present.
    Haiti is knowned as the Antilles’s Perla. In my humble opinion you picked one of the best oyster.
    These musicians are fantastic. All over this album, it’s clear that Shleu Shleu understood perfectly all the other musical movements of their time such as Funk, Soul, Salsa and even Psyche Rock, but they remain loyal to Merengue (or Compa?) and seem to have so much joy playing it.
    Today in this “supposed” time of crisis and doubt, let’s listen Shleu Shleu’s message (probably recorded during a hard dictatorship in a country “supposed” to be one of the poorest in the world) to find the secret of their happiness.
    On track 1 : As they say, their musical gospel is “Peace, Love & Soul”.
    In the next three tracks we got for each item the way to reach it.
    On track 2 : Peace – Always be faithful to your love
    On track 3 : Love – Be courageous and never give up
    On track 4 : Soul – Put the green light on and ask the good question…
    Yep buddy! This record is magic !
    Thanks again.

  4. Arnaud 19 December 2008 at 10:44 - Reply

    Dear Santa Moos,
    Thanks for that lovely early Xmas present.
    Haiti is knowned as the Antilles’s Perla. In my humble opinion you picked one of the best oyster.
    These musicians are fantastic. All over this album, it’s clear that Shleu Shleu understood perfectly all the other musical movements of their time such as Funk, Soul, Salsa and even Psyche Rock, but they remain loyal to Merengue (or Compa?) and seem to have so much joy playing it.
    Today in this “supposed” time of crisis and doubt, let’s listen Shleu Shleu’s message (probably recorded during a hard dictatorship in a country “supposed” to be one of the poorest in the world) to find the secret of their happiness.
    On track 1 : As they say, their musical gospel is “Peace, Love & Soul”.
    In the next three tracks we got for each item the way to reach it.
    On track 2 : Peace – Always be faithful to your love
    On track 3 : Love – Be courageous and never give up
    On track 4 : Soul – Put the green light on and ask the good question…
    Yep buddy! This record is magic !
    Thanks again.

  5. jeanluc 19 December 2008 at 16:04 - Reply

    There is a story about that name. I can’t remember the details. There was something with the creole accent from Canada as someone from the band spelt a creole term, this eased to shleu shleu.

    The band is from 1965. In 1970 there was a Shleu-Shleu in New York and a Shleu-Shleu in Haiti. The New York crew turned their name into Original Shleu Shleu (OSS). This album from 1976. It was reissued in 1996 on edenways (france).

  6. jeanluc 19 December 2008 at 16:04 - Reply

    There is a story about that name. I can’t remember the details. There was something with the creole accent from Canada as someone from the band spelt a creole term, this eased to shleu shleu.

    The band is from 1965. In 1970 there was a Shleu-Shleu in New York and a Shleu-Shleu in Haiti. The New York crew turned their name into Original Shleu Shleu (OSS). This album from 1976. It was reissued in 1996 on edenways (france).

  7. jonjon 20 December 2008 at 18:54 - Reply

    Mos Moos Moos-
    As usual, KILLER is right! seriously, this album is helping me stay sane through this crazy emptiness of winter and the endurance of graduate school finals. thanks again as always for shining the light!

  8. jonjon 20 December 2008 at 18:54 - Reply

    Mos Moos Moos-
    As usual, KILLER is right! seriously, this album is helping me stay sane through this crazy emptiness of winter and the endurance of graduate school finals. thanks again as always for shining the light!

  9. Anonymous 25 November 2009 at 22:55 - Reply

    The name Shleu Shleu has nothing to do with Africa. Indeed, most of the musicians of this band (OSS) made their debut in the original band from Haiti before they emigrated. Just like Skah Shah was first introduced as the ex-Shleu Shleu. Skah or Shah (Chah) are different orthographs to name a ruler in Persia. Do you remember the Chah of Iran? There we go. As far as I remember, the manager (or the founder) of Shleu Shleu was a Haitian businessman with a middle-eastern background. Shleu has to do with that gentleman’s ancestry. I tried to “google” but unfortunately everything that’s written is about the Haitian band. By the way, even in Africa, the bands used to carry English or French names.

    I would like to thank you a thousand times for posting these albums and I hope you’ll discover more about Haitian music and the various band during that era and beyond.

  10. Anonymous 25 November 2009 at 22:55 - Reply

    The name Shleu Shleu has nothing to do with Africa. Indeed, most of the musicians of this band (OSS) made their debut in the original band from Haiti before they emigrated. Just like Skah Shah was first introduced as the ex-Shleu Shleu. Skah or Shah (Chah) are different orthographs to name a ruler in Persia. Do you remember the Chah of Iran? There we go. As far as I remember, the manager (or the founder) of Shleu Shleu was a Haitian businessman with a middle-eastern background. Shleu has to do with that gentleman’s ancestry. I tried to “google” but unfortunately everything that’s written is about the Haitian band. By the way, even in Africa, the bands used to carry English or French names.

    I would like to thank you a thousand times for posting these albums and I hope you’ll discover more about Haitian music and the various band during that era and beyond.

  11. Anonymous 14 March 2010 at 22:14 - Reply

    thank u.. thank u and thank u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Anonymous 14 March 2010 at 22:14 - Reply

    thank u.. thank u and thank u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. c-record 9 January 2020 at 08:10 - Reply

    good stuff! i’m groovin’ to this late on work night… have to get up early tomorrow but I don’t care! thanks again for sharing!

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