January 20, 2009

Abana Ba Nasery – Classic Acoustic Recordings from Western Kenya, Globe Style 1989

From today we’ll have us a brand new American president.
Barack Obama has his roots in Kenya so I thought it would
be appropriate to post some Kenyan music today.
Abana Ba Nasery was a succesful trio from Bunyore, they
made their sweet but primitive sound, using only two
acoustic guitars and a Fanta bottle. The rhythm was created
by scraping the ribs of the bottle with a metal rod. When this
LP was made the recordings were already 30 years old.
I wonder if Obama speaks some Swahili too, in any case
this is great music. Listen to the Roots of Obama.


1 Atisa wangu
2 Khwatsia ebunangwe
3 Servanus andai
4 Nilimwacha muke risavu
5 Mapenzi kama karata
6 Noah Libuko
7 Omukhana meri
8 Abasiratsi muhulire
9 Ndakhomela
10 Ebijana bie bubayi
11 Mushalo ebutula|
12 Rosey wangu


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  1. nauma 20 January 2009 at 09:25 - Reply

    my dear moss
    seems that we have some kind of telepathy

    check here

    the more people will listen the better will be.
    peace and groove

  2. nauma 20 January 2009 at 09:25 - Reply

    my dear moss
    seems that we have some kind of telepathy

    check here

    the more people will listen the better will be.
    peace and groove

  3. moos 20 January 2009 at 13:35 - Reply

    Dear Nauma, that is really cool, you don’t see that LP so much,..
    b.t.w. I’m sorry I didn’t pay attention, your blog is linked as from now. Bless!

  4. moos 20 January 2009 at 13:35 - Reply

    Dear Nauma, that is really cool, you don’t see that LP so much,..
    b.t.w. I’m sorry I didn’t pay attention, your blog is linked as from now. Bless!

  5. Anonymous 20 January 2009 at 14:07 - Reply

    Today we awake anticipating a historic and long-awaited day. It all seems so surreal…

    What a great post to honor what the Chicago press is calling “Obamapalooza”: I look forward to hearing this.

    Readers of your blog may also be interested in the following post:


  6. Anonymous 20 January 2009 at 14:07 - Reply

    Today we awake anticipating a historic and long-awaited day. It all seems so surreal…

    What a great post to honor what the Chicago press is calling “Obamapalooza”: I look forward to hearing this.

    Readers of your blog may also be interested in the following post:


  7. Omondi 20 January 2009 at 21:26 - Reply

    For sure, dear Moss, you are the king of telepathy for having presented the kings of Lipala’s style. When I’m listening to their “Omwana Wa Mberi Nesiekhoira” I can’t stay on my place. Cheers!

  8. Omondi 20 January 2009 at 21:26 - Reply

    For sure, dear Moss, you are the king of telepathy for having presented the kings of Lipala’s style. When I’m listening to their “Omwana Wa Mberi Nesiekhoira” I can’t stay on my place. Cheers!

  9. Anonymous 21 January 2009 at 05:03 - Reply

    This music is NOT from the Luo community which is where Obama patrinilian roots are from, but rather, from the Luhyia community which is a neighbouring community also from the West-side of Kenya.
    Its great music though!
    I first heard this LP in CD format 5yrs ago.

    Wuod K

  10. Anonymous 21 January 2009 at 05:03 - Reply

    This music is NOT from the Luo community which is where Obama patrinilian roots are from, but rather, from the Luhyia community which is a neighbouring community also from the West-side of Kenya.
    Its great music though!
    I first heard this LP in CD format 5yrs ago.

    Wuod K

  11. flageolette 21 January 2009 at 23:54 - Reply

    Great posting!


  12. flageolette 21 January 2009 at 23:54 - Reply

    Great posting!


  13. Abana 17 November 2010 at 14:01 - Reply

    I’m king of telepathy not Moss :P

  14. Abana 17 November 2010 at 14:01 - Reply

    I’m king of telepathy not Moss :P

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