January 16, 2009

Nova História da MPB – Martinho da Vila
Abril Cultural 1978

Martinho da Vila, front

This is the second edition in the series ‘Nova História da MPB’
about Martinho da Vila. The first was from 1970 when ( if I’m
correct ) it was still called História da MPB. It is a 10″
album with only 8 songs, 4 by Martinho and 4 of his songs
by other artists. Samba lovers should not miss it. Se gosta de
de sambar como eu, nao deixe este albun pasar. Vamos embora,
vamos a sambar.


1 Martinho da Vila – Menina moça
2 Isaura Garcia – O pequeno Burgués
3 Roberto Silva – Tom Maior
4 Martinho da Vila – Quatro séculos de modas e costumes
5 MPB 4 – Iaiá do cais dourado
6 Martinho da Vila – Folia de reis
7 Martinho da Vila – Linha do ao
8 Cármen Costa – Amor, pra que nasceu ?


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  1. Anonymous 17 January 2009 at 15:40 - Reply

    Thanks again, one of my favorite sambistas.


  2. Anonymous 17 January 2009 at 15:40 - Reply

    Thanks again, one of my favorite sambistas.


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