Skah-Shah ( l’ex Shleu-Shleu d’Haïti ) – Guêpe Pangnole
Maggie Records 1974
I have to confess to you visitors I am not particular loyal to
my own formula. I started this page to bring together music from
all over the globe, as the blogtitle suggests. Slowly however African
music is taking over. Therefore it is a good thing that visitors wake
me up sometimes, and show me some inspirational material.
Compas ( Kompa ) from Haïti is a delightful style of party music, and
I have a special album for you today. After Shleu-Shleu had split up
part of them decided to stay in Haïti and part moved to New York City.
There they started Skah-Shah of which this is the first album, read_more .
1 Guêpe pangnole
2 Kelly
3 Vinn’ dancé
4 Apparence
5 Rinmin
6 Consolation
7 Bam passe
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Oui, oui et oui !
Wow, this is incredible stuff.
Moos – I must thank you for this site. Discovering it has totally blown my mind. The music is incredible, the rips sound beautiful and I love to hi-def artwork. Please keep up the great work – we love you!
Thanks a lot for this incredible album which reminds me my youth in Guadeloupe.
If you can, continue with compas and other carabean stufs
great album..thank you for all the great stuff you post