June 2, 2009

Smahila & S.B’ s – Love, RAS

Smahila & S.B,S, front

On the Nigerian RAS label I recently found this LP.
Smahila’s work was unknown to me untill this album.
It contains a couple of great songs among which, ‘All Stars’,
an ode to Roger’s All Stars, and they deserve it, very nice.
Unfortunately the soundquality is not so good, but still..


1 Love
2 Help
3 Ils n’est jamais trop tard
4 All Stars


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  1. xensma 3 June 2009 at 16:39 - Reply

    thanks for this can find some pure afrobeat work (really fela-like sounding)by smahila and the sbs on rio groove blogspot,it’s a two tracks lp.each tune are already avalaible on different various artists issues.

  2. xensma 3 June 2009 at 16:39 - Reply

    thanks for this can find some pure afrobeat work (really fela-like sounding)by smahila and the sbs on rio groove blogspot,it’s a two tracks lp.each tune are already avalaible on different various artists issues.

  3. fagastudios 5 June 2009 at 04:00 - Reply

    no,lo he podido descargar gracias

  4. fagastudios 5 June 2009 at 04:00 - Reply

    no,lo he podido descargar gracias

  5. comfort 8 June 2009 at 21:57 - Reply

    thx moos, i’m going to like this for sure. I have couple of his records and me like his work. try to find the one with Have A Good Time (’78)
    deze ook gescoord in utrecht?

  6. comfort 8 June 2009 at 21:57 - Reply

    thx moos, i’m going to like this for sure. I have couple of his records and me like his work. try to find the one with Have A Good Time (’78)
    deze ook gescoord in utrecht?

  7. mistermusic 17 June 2009 at 07:14 - Reply

    Alors là, je dit un grand merci…une découverte terrible…un son bien groovy…et le petit craquement…j’aime…reste plus qu’à essayer de trouver un original :)

  8. mistermusic 17 June 2009 at 07:14 - Reply

    Alors là, je dit un grand merci…une découverte terrible…un son bien groovy…et le petit craquement…j’aime…reste plus qu’à essayer de trouver un original :)

  9. Thomas 8 August 2014 at 14:29 - Reply

    Hello Moos!
    There is a mistake in: Smahila & S.B’ s – Love, RAS
    It happens after you have passed the download-page:
    Die Dateien unter and S.B.S – Love.rar konnten nicht gefunden werden.
    I’m sure, you’ll mend it as usual
    Thanks beforehands / Thomas

  10. Thomas 9 August 2014 at 21:28 - Reply

    Hello Moos!
    Sorry to disturb but …
    Have tried with firefox version 31 = the same prompt
    Have tried with Internetexplorer = can not become connected …
    Wahrscheinlichste Ursachen:
    •Die Website wird momentan gewartet.
    •Die Website enthält einen Programmierfehler.
    Good luck

    • Moos 10 August 2014 at 09:21 - Reply

      I searched like crazy and found it was a read only file.
      changed it so should be working now..

  11. Thomas 10 August 2014 at 13:45 - Reply

    Hello Moos!

    It works superb now.

    Thank you


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