July 8, 2009

Oliver de Coque and his Expo ’76
Ogene Sound Super of Africa
Engirigbo, Afrodisia / Ogene 1987

Oliver de Coque, front

Let’s have us a little more Highlife from Nigeria.
Igbo Highlife that is with the great Oliver de Coque.
I especially like the harmony’s on this album, blended
with Oliver’s Congo style guitar, another Nigerian killer.
Sorry for the many crackles and snaps.


1 Engirigbo
2 Ife gadi nma na Nigeria
3 Klub nationale
– Uwa bu ofu mbia


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  1. Anonymous 11 July 2009 at 18:59 - Reply

    listened to tract 1 and the crackles and pops infused the music with such warmth
    thanks for sharing!

  2. Anonymous 11 July 2009 at 18:59 - Reply

    listened to tract 1 and the crackles and pops infused the music with such warmth
    thanks for sharing!

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