December 20, 2009

Kyerematen Atwedie Stars – Faye Me Nkoa,
Ambassador Records MFG Co. (Ghana ) Ltd.

Second album of Kyerematen Atwedie on this page, first one is here .
This is the type of highlife I like best, original Ghana pressing
on the great Ambassador label. I’m sure it will light up your
sunday as it has done with mine already. Enjoy !
By the way, did you see he shows of the same shoes as the
guys on the cover of S.B.B. du Congo do ? is this also from 1975 ?


1 Ketewabiara nsua
2 Abrabo ye bokoo
3 Opete kwaakye
4 Faye me nkoa
5 Ababayere kwasi
6 Woara na wobeko
7 Odasani hwe wo ho yie


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  1. Gonzalez on Speed 20 December 2009 at 09:40 - Reply

    Superb exciting rhythms to start this Sunday Moos!
    Also heavy snowfall up here. Very beautiful sight but I ain’t going anywhere!
    Only to the supermarket .. I will put this record on my Ipod
    to walk through the “shopping lanes”. I have nothing against
    Christmas but these tunes like “Silent night” or “Rudolph the red nose rendeer” they get out of the supermarket-speakers every year really pisses me off and makes me
    get the hell out of there as soon as possible. With this record it’s “fun-shopping” for sure!!

  2. Akwaboa 20 December 2009 at 15:03 - Reply

    A great album by one of my favorite bands.

  3. Anonymous 20 December 2009 at 16:39 - Reply

    Thanks!! Keep the Ghana stuff coming, so hard to come by this music and so greatly appreciated! Thank you for not hoarding like most other bloggers of West African music. This is what it’s all about… sharing and spreading the word. Every album you post makes the world a bit smaller. Your site is the best of it’s kind, keep up the good work!

  4. Anonymous 20 December 2009 at 20:12 - Reply

    Wow, this is great. And I love the “I Go Die for You” album you posted a while back. One of the best, I think.

    Thank you!

  5. Thomas 17 August 2014 at 22:33 - Reply

    Hello Moos!
    ”Kyerematen Atwedie Stars – Faye Me Nkoa,Ambassador Records MFG Co. (Ghana ) Ltd.” needs your service.
    Ig chosen ”here” inside the text, your become directed to your further and asked to be connected to your actual blog.
    It works but is would be better to have ‘Kyeremateng Atwede & Kyeremateng Stars – I go die for you, Ambassador Records 1981’ inked direcly.
    Would you help?
    Thanks in advance

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