February 15, 2010

Sunny Adé and his African Beats – in London
Sunny Alade Records 1977

Sunny Adé, front, cd size

Tonight’s album is for the juju lovers among us. Sunny Adé, without
King in those days, has always been one of the most popular juju
artists in the field. I have no idea how many records he made through
the years but this is No. 16 here already. Being from 1977, this is one of
the older Sunny Adé’s here. The master mixed and produced it himself so
I suppose we can say it sounds exactly how he meant it to.


1 Emi agbadura
2 Igbagbo ndupe


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  1. jimmy 15 February 2010 at 23:40 - Reply

    incredible music…thanks a lot…

  2. jimmy 15 February 2010 at 23:40 - Reply

    incredible music…thanks a lot…

  3. grooVemonzter 15 February 2010 at 23:44 - Reply

    Moos, I bought this album on eBay about six months ago but I have been afraid to play it because I only have a cheap turn table and I didn’t want to damage the vinyl… At last I can hear it!! Thank you a million for this and for all the treasures you post. Cole

  4. grooVemonzter 15 February 2010 at 23:44 - Reply

    Moos, I bought this album on eBay about six months ago but I have been afraid to play it because I only have a cheap turn table and I didn’t want to damage the vinyl… At last I can hear it!! Thank you a million for this and for all the treasures you post. Cole

  5. ralf2152 16 February 2010 at 01:02 - Reply

    la verdad no se si me entiendan lo que digo soy de colombia y tengo tradicir lo que dicen ustedes en google. Pero amigo es increible lla misica que usted tiene soy amante de la musica africana y todos los dias visito su blog.

  6. ralf2152 16 February 2010 at 01:02 - Reply

    la verdad no se si me entiendan lo que digo soy de colombia y tengo tradicir lo que dicen ustedes en google. Pero amigo es increible lla misica que usted tiene soy amante de la musica africana y todos los dias visito su blog.

  7. Goofy 16 February 2010 at 18:47 - Reply

    Thanks Moos. Anything by KSA is welcome!!

  8. Goofy 16 February 2010 at 18:47 - Reply

    Thanks Moos. Anything by KSA is welcome!!

  9. Mike D. 17 February 2010 at 00:32 - Reply

    Hey Moos,

    You got a shout out on Pitchfork: Thanks for this latest installment in the Sunny Ade series.

  10. Mike D. 17 February 2010 at 00:32 - Reply

    Hey Moos,

    You got a shout out on Pitchfork: Thanks for this latest installment in the Sunny Ade series.

  11. Mike D. 17 February 2010 at 00:32 - Reply

    Hey Moos,

    You got a shout out on Pitchfork: Thanks for this latest installment in the Sunny Ade series.

  12. moos 17 February 2010 at 07:57 - Reply

    Hey Mike, thanks for guiding me there. What a great article. I am very much honoured to be listed. Thank you Pitchfork.

  13. moos 17 February 2010 at 07:57 - Reply

    Hey Mike, thanks for guiding me there. What a great article. I am very much honoured to be listed. Thank you Pitchfork.

  14. moos 17 February 2010 at 07:57 - Reply

    Hey Mike, thanks for guiding me there. What a great article. I am very much honoured to be listed. Thank you Pitchfork.

  15. Lee Lee 17 February 2010 at 14:44 - Reply

    Thanks for the Sunny.

  16. Lee Lee 17 February 2010 at 14:44 - Reply

    Thanks for the Sunny.

  17. Lee Lee 17 February 2010 at 14:44 - Reply

    Thanks for the Sunny.

  18. Damibeads 11 April 2010 at 23:12 - Reply

    This is one of the best output from KSA. Its pure juju music at its very best. I recall that I memorised every line in this music and my dad punished me for doing so rather than memorising my books! Alhaji Ishola Dada is now of Blessed memory, while Alhaji Arisekola is still waxing stronger by the day. Such is life. Thank God am still alive to hear it again on this channel after 33 years! Many thanks to you guys for the post. God bless you.

  19. Damibeads 11 April 2010 at 23:12 - Reply

    This is one of the best output from KSA. Its pure juju music at its very best. I recall that I memorised every line in this music and my dad punished me for doing so rather than memorising my books! Alhaji Ishola Dada is now of Blessed memory, while Alhaji Arisekola is still waxing stronger by the day. Such is life. Thank God am still alive to hear it again on this channel after 33 years! Many thanks to you guys for the post. God bless you.

  20. Damibeads 11 April 2010 at 23:12 - Reply

    This is one of the best output from KSA. Its pure juju music at its very best. I recall that I memorised every line in this music and my dad punished me for doing so rather than memorising my books! Alhaji Ishola Dada is now of Blessed memory, while Alhaji Arisekola is still waxing stronger by the day. Such is life. Thank God am still alive to hear it again on this channel after 33 years! Many thanks to you guys for the post. God bless you.

  21. autumnleaf 21 May 2010 at 01:15 - Reply

    thanks for your generosity and effort…it is greatly appreciated..wishing you well

  22. autumnleaf 21 May 2010 at 01:15 - Reply

    thanks for your generosity and effort…it is greatly appreciated..wishing you well

  23. autumnleaf 21 May 2010 at 01:15 - Reply

    thanks for your generosity and effort…it is greatly appreciated..wishing you well

  24. Anonymous 30 May 2010 at 10:43 - Reply

    I can only wish the best in all that you do.This masterpiece is another icing on the cake in KSA’s house of great music renditions.I love it – what about the talking drum…incredible.Thanks.Bode.

  25. Anonymous 30 May 2010 at 10:43 - Reply

    I can only wish the best in all that you do.This masterpiece is another icing on the cake in KSA’s house of great music renditions.I love it – what about the talking drum…incredible.Thanks.Bode.

  26. Anonymous 30 May 2010 at 10:43 - Reply

    I can only wish the best in all that you do.This masterpiece is another icing on the cake in KSA’s house of great music renditions.I love it – what about the talking drum…incredible.Thanks.Bode.

  27. Anonymous 10 September 2010 at 19:24 - Reply

    ok, first things first: thank you for an incredible blog.
    Soo many good things.
    You’ve made my day many days!

    And to find this sunny ade LP here!!!
    Wow…it is one of my favorites and since I have lost several auctions on the net, I can finally have it (if not on vinyl, but…) in my stereo…thanks! U rule! K

  28. Anonymous 10 September 2010 at 19:24 - Reply

    ok, first things first: thank you for an incredible blog.
    Soo many good things.
    You’ve made my day many days!

    And to find this sunny ade LP here!!!
    Wow…it is one of my favorites and since I have lost several auctions on the net, I can finally have it (if not on vinyl, but…) in my stereo…thanks! U rule! K

  29. Anonymous 10 September 2010 at 19:24 - Reply

    ok, first things first: thank you for an incredible blog.
    Soo many good things.
    You’ve made my day many days!

    And to find this sunny ade LP here!!!
    Wow…it is one of my favorites and since I have lost several auctions on the net, I can finally have it (if not on vinyl, but…) in my stereo…thanks! U rule! K

  30. balloons 18 April 2011 at 10:39 - Reply

    thank you

  31. balloons 18 April 2011 at 10:39 - Reply

    thank you

  32. balloons 18 April 2011 at 10:39 - Reply

    thank you

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