May 16, 2010

General Prince Adekunle and his Western
Brothers -“in the United Kingdom”
Ibukun Orisun Iye 1972

It is time we had us some juju music. General Prince Adekunle
and his Western Brothers are back at the GG and they rock.
I am guessing if I say this album is from the mid 70’s, it just feels
that old. I particularly like the tight rhythmsection that gives this
LP a strong push in the back. Don’t hesitate, just hoover away.
Yes it turns out to be 1972 ..


1 Oluwa ni mo gbekele
– Akanbi olatundun
– Kola dosunmu
– Iwa ibaje ko dara
– Dr. Tejuosho ( Teju foam )
2 London Special


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  1. grooVemonzter 19 May 2010 at 01:12 - Reply

    OMG… you have no idea how much I have been looking for music by General Prince Adekunle. I love this man’s music. Moos… you’re too much. Thank you. Cole

  2. grooVemonzter 19 May 2010 at 01:12 - Reply

    OMG… you have no idea how much I have been looking for music by General Prince Adekunle. I love this man’s music. Moos… you’re too much. Thank you. Cole

  3. Lalao 2 July 2010 at 10:23 - Reply

    Je viens de connaitre ce blog énorme, il est mon N°1, il m’a redonné l’amour pour la musique africaine et le juju est pour moi meilleur que l’afro beat, on va dire plus cool, en tout cas merci beaucoup

  4. Lalao 2 July 2010 at 10:23 - Reply

    Je viens de connaitre ce blog énorme, il est mon N°1, il m’a redonné l’amour pour la musique africaine et le juju est pour moi meilleur que l’afro beat, on va dire plus cool, en tout cas merci beaucoup

  5. david 26 September 2010 at 05:50 - Reply

    Thanks for this wonderful juju. It is a pulsating rhythm which never stops.

  6. david 26 September 2010 at 05:50 - Reply

    Thanks for this wonderful juju. It is a pulsating rhythm which never stops.

  7. MALATESTA 17 August 2013 at 17:25 - Reply

    link off :(

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