May 9, 2010

Kyeremateng Stars – Nkrabea, Ambassador 1982

Kyeremateng Stars, front, cd size

One of Ghana’s finest highlife groups is this one. I found some
terrific LP’s by them on that last fair. The music is fantastic but
the information is confusing. Some of the titles on the label of this
album match the sleeve, some don’t. I have given the Mp3’s the names
from the label and give you both underneath this article. I have the feeling
it is the right album but am not sure, can anyone shine a light on this
matter? I read in a comment at Worldservice, ‘Nkrabea’ means ‘faith’,
now I am not very religious myself but faith is something we all can use.
Listen to Kyeremateng Atwedie and his Kyeremateng Stars.


1 Mafura kyenkyen hunu
2 Nkrabea
3 Yepae afasie a pra ada
4 Saa na etie
5 Otanfo na aden koraa
6 Se wone me betena a

sleeve tracks;

1 Hwe dee mawie
2 Nkrabea
3 Yepae afasee a pra ada
4 Eye ampa
5 Kakani
6 Nokware nkoaa


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  1. Kostas from Greece 9 May 2010 at 08:47 - Reply

    Too many posts!!!
    Thank you very much…the last posts are G R E A T!!!!
    Best wishes.

  2. Kostas from Greece 9 May 2010 at 08:47 - Reply

    Too many posts!!!
    Thank you very much…the last posts are G R E A T!!!!
    Best wishes.

  3. Anonymous 9 May 2010 at 14:44 - Reply

    “NKRABEA” actually means destiny not faith. I’m a regular visitor to your site so on any issue on Ghana I will help if its within my area of expertise. keep up the wonderful job.

  4. Anonymous 9 May 2010 at 14:44 - Reply

    “NKRABEA” actually means destiny not faith. I’m a regular visitor to your site so on any issue on Ghana I will help if its within my area of expertise. keep up the wonderful job.

  5. Lord Stranger 9 May 2010 at 18:45 - Reply

    More great Ghana highlife – Thanks!

  6. Lord Stranger 9 May 2010 at 18:45 - Reply

    More great Ghana highlife – Thanks!

  7. Anonymous 9 May 2010 at 18:57 - Reply

    Love the cover.
    Thanks again.

  8. Anonymous 9 May 2010 at 18:57 - Reply

    Love the cover.
    Thanks again.

  9. Louis 9 May 2010 at 23:35 - Reply

    This is one of my faves by this group and one of the best LP’s you’ve posted in ages. Curious what other LP’s you may have from them.

    Mike D.

  10. Louis 9 May 2010 at 23:35 - Reply

    This is one of my faves by this group and one of the best LP’s you’ve posted in ages. Curious what other LP’s you may have from them.

    Mike D.

  11. david 25 September 2010 at 21:07 - Reply

    Moss, after carefully listening to the whole LP, I can shed some light on the disparity between the titles on the label and those of the sleeve-tracks.

    It is apparent that either the producer or the band was in a quandary as to what titles to give the songs. Basically, all the titles are sentences in the lyrics of the song, so each set could have been substituted without detracting from the context. My guess is that somebody decided that the titles which ended up on the label were the better of the two. Apparently, somebody forgot to change the ones on the sleeve to reflect the chosen ones on the label, or vice versa. In other words, there was a coordinating error.
    What threw me was title #5 “Kakani” on the sleeve-track. I confess to not understanding Twi well and my best guess is that it was used colloquially to mean “gossipers” which, if my guess is correct, would be in agreement with the lyrics.

    It could as well have been the following, though that would be too long:

    1 Hwe dee mawie-Mafura kyenkyen hunu
    2 Nkrabea
    3 Yepae afasie a pra ada
    4 Eye ampa Saa na etie
    5 Otanfo na aden koraa (Kakani)
    6 Se wone me betena a, Nokware nkoaa

    Your painstaking effort to get everything right is well appreciated. Obviously, it is a labor of love.

  12. david 25 September 2010 at 21:07 - Reply

    Moss, after carefully listening to the whole LP, I can shed some light on the disparity between the titles on the label and those of the sleeve-tracks.

    It is apparent that either the producer or the band was in a quandary as to what titles to give the songs. Basically, all the titles are sentences in the lyrics of the song, so each set could have been substituted without detracting from the context. My guess is that somebody decided that the titles which ended up on the label were the better of the two. Apparently, somebody forgot to change the ones on the sleeve to reflect the chosen ones on the label, or vice versa. In other words, there was a coordinating error.
    What threw me was title #5 “Kakani” on the sleeve-track. I confess to not understanding Twi well and my best guess is that it was used colloquially to mean “gossipers” which, if my guess is correct, would be in agreement with the lyrics.

    It could as well have been the following, though that would be too long:

    1 Hwe dee mawie-Mafura kyenkyen hunu
    2 Nkrabea
    3 Yepae afasie a pra ada
    4 Eye ampa Saa na etie
    5 Otanfo na aden koraa (Kakani)
    6 Se wone me betena a, Nokware nkoaa

    Your painstaking effort to get everything right is well appreciated. Obviously, it is a labor of love.

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