November 30, 2010

Ikenga Super Stars of Africa
african 1981

Ikenga, front, cd size

This LP by Nigerian Highlifers ‘Ikenga, Super Stars of Africa’
is on ‘african’. On the front it shows us also the logo of ‘Afrodisia’.
Same time backsleeve is typical ‘RAS’. Distributed by ‘Sonodisc’
and licenced by ‘Decca West Africa’, Lagos Nigeria. All the important
clubs seem involved in this project. Combining forces had a great effect,
the album sounds perfect. I can already hear it blast from the
speakers of some pumping ‘picó’ in Barranquilla,
how ’bout you Fabian ?


1 Nwa enwe nne
2 Anyi ga gbalu enu oso


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  1. Anonymous 30 November 2010 at 21:42 - Reply

    I cant wait to listen to tis one.
    One of my favorite bands!
    wuod k

  2. Anonymous 30 November 2010 at 21:42 - Reply

    I cant wait to listen to tis one.
    One of my favorite bands!
    wuod k

  3. Africolombia 1 December 2010 at 11:56 - Reply

    DJ Moos,
    in the beginning of December I went ahead and wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for you and the rest of visitors!!!

    on the album is fantastic! of this band there are several albums that sounded but one in particular that still sounds at different Radio stations and Sound Systems (picós) the name of album is “Greedy Man” (LP, Rogers All Stars)just the song more sounded of this album was, “Soffrey Soffry Catch Monkey” which was named or more known by the alias “La Negrita Sofy”

    Best Regards,

  4. Africolombia 1 December 2010 at 11:56 - Reply

    DJ Moos,
    in the beginning of December I went ahead and wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for you and the rest of visitors!!!

    on the album is fantastic! of this band there are several albums that sounded but one in particular that still sounds at different Radio stations and Sound Systems (picós) the name of album is “Greedy Man” (LP, Rogers All Stars)just the song more sounded of this album was, “Soffrey Soffry Catch Monkey” which was named or more known by the alias “La Negrita Sofy”

    Best Regards,

  5. John B. 1 December 2010 at 11:59 - Reply

    Thanks for this, Moos. The sleeve notes are not accurate. As I related some years ago:

    “. . An oddity. Although this sounds like a typical “Ikengas” record, none of the musicians listed are the same as on any other record. Odder still, Victor Okoroego, putative “leader” of the group, is not listed either! Dolf Motz, apparently resolving this mystery, writes: “I think that I can solve the problem of the “oddity” DWAPS 2150. I checked the backside of the sleeve and discovered that apart from the song titles, all the words on the sleeve are the same as on the backside of the sleeve from Vicky Edimo’s record “Thank-u-mamma” released as DWAPS 2152 in 1981. As you can see on “Nwa Enwe Nne,” the song titles do not correspond with the song titles on which the musicians were supposed to contribute. These song titles belong to the Vicky Edimo album. Since the record itself really sounds like the Ikengas I am almost 100% sure that a mistake has been made in the production process of the record sleeves.”

  6. John B. 1 December 2010 at 11:59 - Reply

    Thanks for this, Moos. The sleeve notes are not accurate. As I related some years ago:

    “. . An oddity. Although this sounds like a typical “Ikengas” record, none of the musicians listed are the same as on any other record. Odder still, Victor Okoroego, putative “leader” of the group, is not listed either! Dolf Motz, apparently resolving this mystery, writes: “I think that I can solve the problem of the “oddity” DWAPS 2150. I checked the backside of the sleeve and discovered that apart from the song titles, all the words on the sleeve are the same as on the backside of the sleeve from Vicky Edimo’s record “Thank-u-mamma” released as DWAPS 2152 in 1981. As you can see on “Nwa Enwe Nne,” the song titles do not correspond with the song titles on which the musicians were supposed to contribute. These song titles belong to the Vicky Edimo album. Since the record itself really sounds like the Ikengas I am almost 100% sure that a mistake has been made in the production process of the record sleeves.”

  7. ralf2152 1 December 2010 at 13:10 - Reply

    Moos friend not only in barranquilla, also in the city of Cartagena is widely listened to and loved by the people.
    However, this work is known to very few in Colombia.

    Thanks do not know the joy you give us just about everything to my.

    Muge Graciassssss

  8. ralf2152 1 December 2010 at 13:10 - Reply

    Moos friend not only in barranquilla, also in the city of Cartagena is widely listened to and loved by the people.
    However, this work is known to very few in Colombia.

    Thanks do not know the joy you give us just about everything to my.

    Muge Graciassssss

  9. Anonymous 1 December 2010 at 17:12 - Reply

    Tears of Joy!!!!!
    *highest possible recommendation*
    Paul in Brooklyn

  10. Anonymous 1 December 2010 at 17:12 - Reply

    Tears of Joy!!!!!
    *highest possible recommendation*
    Paul in Brooklyn

  11. moos 1 December 2010 at 20:28 - Reply

    thanks for the enthousiastic reactions everybody, and important corrections John, strange kinda
    Today’s post is unfortunately postponed, my recently bought amplifier just quit on me, damn..
    Where are the oldtime machines that never failed ?

  12. moos 1 December 2010 at 20:28 - Reply

    thanks for the enthousiastic reactions everybody, and important corrections John, strange kinda
    Today’s post is unfortunately postponed, my recently bought amplifier just quit on me, damn..
    Where are the oldtime machines that never failed ?

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