January 8, 2011

Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe – Onye Bili-Ibeya Ebili,Polydor POLP 058, 1981

Chief Stephen Osita, front

An album a day keeps the doctor away. It becomes like a
kind of therapy after a while. Not posting is no option, it
feels like my day is not complete and leaves a big hole.
So first I pick an LP, I record and rip it and then I need to
make a solid picture of front and back-cover. Okay, all done.
But next after uploading the files I must write a few lines.
Anything useful to say about the album? Chief Stephen Osita
Osadebe’s albums are always good, no doubt. The most important
is listening to them. So I wont keep you up any longer, get it and
play it. ..oh, and screw my writing,… sucks..


1 Agadi nwanyi na inine
2 Morning Star Social Club


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  1. African Music Recycler 8 January 2011 at 22:43 - Reply

    … no!! it don’t suck!

  2. abudaiyo 9 January 2011 at 00:53 - Reply

    Thanks for this insight into your routine!
    I think that the little paragraphs you write to go with each post are part of the charm of the site. One of the things that lifts Global Grove up to its full glorious height!

  3. Anonymous 9 January 2011 at 06:47 - Reply

    My day isn’t complete with out stopping in to see what you’ve posted.
    Keep it up Moos!
    Booty Tunes for the Dairy Air

  4. moos 9 January 2011 at 08:24 - Reply

    thanks for your support fellows..

  5. Moon Ra 9 January 2011 at 11:23 - Reply

    Best way to start the day : a new Osadebe post. Thank you so much for your work.

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