January 3, 2011

Kyeremateng Stars – Obreguo Ye Ya,Happy Bird 1977

Kyeremateng Stars, front

It is confusing sometimes. On the label of this LP, the
tracknames are different than on the backsleeve. At first I
thought they had sold me a mis-fit, you know, wrong LP
inside. But the album inside is the right one, some lyrics
contain words I see on the label. Like b-side , track 1, label
and sound say ‘Akwasi akwasi’ but cover says ‘Pam no o
tware no o’. Titles do compare more or less in some cases.
I suppose Ghanaians can explain all this confusion. One
way or the other, Kyeremateng Stars ( spelled wrong on sleeve
aswel ), bring us some sweet highlife oncemore, listen.

tracks on sleeve;

1 Obreguo ye ya
2 Owuo ama yen mpanin asa
3 Odo bra
4 Pam no o tware no o
5 M’afu na eso kwa
6 Dee wo benya biara fa no saa ara
7 Otamfo na aden

tracks on label;

1 Bere guo
2 Oa owuo yi
3 Odo eye a bra
4 Akwasi akwasi
5 Mo mma mebi nni
6 Die wo benya biara fa no saa
7 Mete meho ase awiemfoo ba


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  1. Akwaboa 4 January 2011 at 18:21 - Reply

    Thanks, one of my favourite bands!
    I suppose you don’t Odasani as well?
    (have that one in bad state..)

  2. Akwaboa 4 January 2011 at 18:21 - Reply

    Thanks, one of my favourite bands!
    I suppose you don’t Odasani as well?
    (have that one in bad state..)

  3. Akwaboa 4 January 2011 at 18:21 - Reply

    Thanks, one of my favourite bands!
    I suppose you don’t Odasani as well?
    (have that one in bad state..)

  4. moos 4 January 2011 at 21:34 - Reply

    I’m affraid I don’t have that one, maybe some day…

  5. moos 4 January 2011 at 21:34 - Reply

    I’m affraid I don’t have that one, maybe some day…

  6. moos 4 January 2011 at 21:34 - Reply

    I’m affraid I don’t have that one, maybe some day…

  7. Mike D. 8 January 2011 at 18:05 - Reply

    Hey Moos,

    Thanks for the LP, looking forward to hearing this one. I have another record from these guys with the same cover but different name and songs. Folks really liked to recycle themes in that region.

    Mike D.

  8. Mike D. 8 January 2011 at 18:05 - Reply

    Hey Moos,

    Thanks for the LP, looking forward to hearing this one. I have another record from these guys with the same cover but different name and songs. Folks really liked to recycle themes in that region.

    Mike D.

  9. Mike D. 8 January 2011 at 18:05 - Reply

    Hey Moos,

    Thanks for the LP, looking forward to hearing this one. I have another record from these guys with the same cover but different name and songs. Folks really liked to recycle themes in that region.

    Mike D.

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