April 2, 2011

Jerry Hansen & the Ramblers Dance Band
Dance with the Ramblers
Decca 1967

Jerry Hansen, front

One of the happiest Ghanaian dance bands of the days is
without doubt Jerry Hansen’s Ramblers Dance Band. Track
after track straight dance material you can’t resist. I don’t
know about you but I am instantly happy when I put this on.
Delightful vocal parts over well arranged orchestral moves
It will make you wanna dance till dawn,
Just the thing for saturdaynight,


1 Odasanyi
2 Agboo ayee
3 Waise abrabo
4 Mmere dan biribi ara
5 Owu
6 Ntoboase
7 Meeba sa ni mafo
8 Ofie mosea
9 Mpaebo na ehia
10 Afutusem
11 Ahomka wom’
12 Yiadom boakye


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  1. Kostas from Greece 2 April 2011 at 20:43 - Reply

    Maaany many thanks…
    Be good!!!

  2. Kostas from Greece 2 April 2011 at 20:43 - Reply

    Maaany many thanks…
    Be good!!!

  3. Kostas from Greece 2 April 2011 at 20:43 - Reply

    Maaany many thanks…
    Be good!!!

  4. Anonymous 3 April 2011 at 01:24 - Reply

    I was just looking at this album somewhere else online and thinking that it must be great–and amazingly here you are, sharing it with us. Thank you a million times.

  5. Anonymous 3 April 2011 at 01:24 - Reply

    I was just looking at this album somewhere else online and thinking that it must be great–and amazingly here you are, sharing it with us. Thank you a million times.

  6. Anonymous 3 April 2011 at 01:24 - Reply

    I was just looking at this album somewhere else online and thinking that it must be great–and amazingly here you are, sharing it with us. Thank you a million times.

  7. […] , two and three. Their highlife is one of a kind, perfect dancing music for your weekend. This lp is from 1977, on […]

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