June 5, 2011

African Brothers Band International of Ghana
Owuo Aye Me Bi, Makossa 1982

African Brothers Band, front

Here’s an other LP on which the African Brothers console
the bereaved using words like allah, jah and god. Personally,
I would rather read some Lao Tse on a moment like that, but who
am I ? On this 1982 LP, we miss one title. The sleeve speaks
of three songs while the actual vinyl counts four. Can you clear
up this mystery ? What’s the name of track 4 ? Thanks in advance.


1 Owuo aye me bi
2 Ne nko ne me ho asem
3 Kyeremaa ( medley )
4 ???


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  1. willbain 5 June 2011 at 12:31 - Reply

    The track is Menye Osansani

  2. willbain 5 June 2011 at 12:31 - Reply

    The track is Menye Osansani

  3. willbain 5 June 2011 at 12:32 - Reply

    The unidentified track is ‘Menye Osansani’.

  4. willbain 5 June 2011 at 12:32 - Reply

    The unidentified track is ‘Menye Osansani’.

  5. grooVemonzter 5 June 2011 at 15:35 - Reply

    Hi Moos, Great album! The African Brothers are always on top. Thank you very much for this splendid album. And yes, I agree with taking a moment to reflect on Lao Tse. The Tao is a deep spiritual guide. Ever since my youth days and even more so now as I grow grey. Thanks again. Cheers from California. Cole

  6. grooVemonzter 5 June 2011 at 15:35 - Reply

    Hi Moos, Great album! The African Brothers are always on top. Thank you very much for this splendid album. And yes, I agree with taking a moment to reflect on Lao Tse. The Tao is a deep spiritual guide. Ever since my youth days and even more so now as I grow grey. Thanks again. Cheers from California. Cole

  7. Anonymous 5 June 2011 at 16:31 - Reply

    Trk 4 title is “Me Nnye Osansani”
    keep up the good work Luv U always

  8. Anonymous 5 June 2011 at 16:31 - Reply

    Trk 4 title is “Me Nnye Osansani”
    keep up the good work Luv U always

  9. Anonymous 5 June 2011 at 17:34 - Reply

    Thanks for this LP.
    Track 4 should be “Me Nye Osansani”
    (Literally translated into English means “I’m not rootless/bum/drifter”


  10. Anonymous 5 June 2011 at 17:34 - Reply

    Thanks for this LP.
    Track 4 should be “Me Nye Osansani”
    (Literally translated into English means “I’m not rootless/bum/drifter”


  11. Victor 18 June 2011 at 20:22 - Reply

    What can I say? Your blog has got me into highlife, and I like this band a lot. Great fourth track.
    Thank you.

  12. Victor 18 June 2011 at 20:22 - Reply

    What can I say? Your blog has got me into highlife, and I like this band a lot. Great fourth track.
    Thank you.

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