August 17, 2011

Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe – Okp’uzo Enweilo,Polygram Records 1982

Osadebe, front

This is POLP 092, on Polygram Records, Lagos, Nigeria.
It contains two numbers of which the second one is the
titlesong. Osadebe wrote some 500 songs in his career
so we’ll have to keep collecting his work a bit longer.
Always fantastic rhythms and melodies, hope U like’m.


1 Osumenyi Freedom Social Club
2 Okp’uzo enweilo


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  1. Anonymous 19 August 2011 at 10:27 - Reply

    Thank you very much!!!
    Kostas from Greece.

  2. Moon Ra 19 August 2011 at 13:43 - Reply

    Brilliant again. Thanks

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  4. […] Igakam Ogonogo 1982 Obiajulu 1978 Ife Chukwu Kanma 1991 Onye Lusia Olie 1987 Onye Ije Anatogo 1982 Okp’uzo Enweilo 1982 Osondo Owendi 1984 Onye Bili-Ibeya Ebili 1981 Onye Achonam Ogbahu Akwulugo 1982 Arum Achoro […]

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