January 17, 2012

E.T. Mensah and his Tempo’s Band -Decca Presents..,Decca West Africa

E.T. Mensah, front

Back in the days E.T. Mensah was the first Ghanaian
highlife artist I heard. From the first notes I was convinced,
this is wonderful music. Eversince I keep searching for his
work and shortly got lucky. Check this 10″ on Decca West
Africa, a great find I wanna share with you today. Listen.


1 Donkey calypso
2 Tea samba
3 Shemi ni oya
4 Laura
5 Munsuro
6 Sunday mirror
7 St. Peter’s calypso
8 Obaayi fi kumasi
9 Nkebo baaya
10 Stormy ass


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  1. ajnabi 18 January 2012 at 01:19 - Reply

    Thanks so much. Another brilliant post.

  2. Kris Tiner 18 January 2012 at 03:23 - Reply

    Thanks! been looking for this but so hard to find an affordable copy…

  3. jan duinkerken 18 January 2012 at 07:23 - Reply

    Thank you very much!

  4. LolaRadio 18 January 2012 at 10:17 - Reply

    Moos, je bent een held.

  5. Anonymous 18 January 2012 at 17:50 - Reply

    Moos, you should be made The Honourable Minister of Enjoyment.

    Aseda! (Thanks)

  6. leonAzul 20 January 2012 at 01:31 - Reply

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    This selection in particular is essential listening. Why is this music so hard to find at any price?

  7. leonAzul 20 January 2012 at 01:31 - Reply

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    This selection in particular is essential listening. Why is this music so hard to find at any price?

  8. w 20 January 2012 at 22:54 - Reply

    thank you!

  9. w 20 January 2012 at 22:54 - Reply

    thank you!

  10. w 20 January 2012 at 22:54 - Reply

    thank you!

  11. noreille 23 January 2012 at 09:49 - Reply

    Hi good people… I missed this one and disaster striked, Moos links are sadly inoperative… Could any kind soul re-up this one?


  12. noreille 23 January 2012 at 09:49 - Reply

    Hi good people… I missed this one and disaster striked, Moos links are sadly inoperative… Could any kind soul re-up this one?


  13. noreille 23 January 2012 at 09:49 - Reply

    Hi good people… I missed this one and disaster striked, Moos links are sadly inoperative… Could any kind soul re-up this one?


  14. butames 3 June 2014 at 21:56 - Reply

    Is there any hope of getting a reupload for this particular album, the link no longer works? I would be most grateful.

  15. Ubby 12 February 2015 at 01:33 - Reply

    Add me to the list of people waiting excitedly for a reupload of this album.

    Moos, you have the most amazing ear for music. Thanks for all your efforts and for introducing me to music I never would have heard of before visiting your site.

    • Moos 12 February 2015 at 11:08 - Reply

      I just checked it, working fine from here..

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