February 16, 2012

Ali Chukwumah and his Peacemakers
International Band of Nigeria
Gentleman Ali Chukwumah, Akpolla 1981

Ali Chukwumah, front

I am quite sure that when some recordcompany,
big or small, would think of releasing a track from this original,
it is very likely they would cut off the biggest part of the song.
These tracks span a whole lp-side, 16 minutes like on this a-side
is short, often the tracks take 20 to 30 minutes. The chance this
music will reach you through ‘legitimate’ channels is very small.
This hard to find music is now meant to survive
the ages coming because it is spread in it’s original form.
To recordcompany’s I’d like to say, please release this wonderful
music through an official cd, I challenge you.


1 Egwundioma
2 Eje-anabu-isi


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  1. moos 16 February 2012 at 17:25 - Reply
  2. Anonymous 16 February 2012 at 17:38 - Reply

    Thank you Moos. Together with the great Celestine Ukwu this is among the most beautiful music from this planet. No greater joy you can bring , first Ukwu and second Chukwumah. Do you have that third great one Goddy (khaki) Ezike?

    greatings Richard

  3. Anonymous 16 February 2012 at 17:38 - Reply

    Thank you Moos. Together with the great Celestine Ukwu this is among the most beautiful music from this planet. No greater joy you can bring , first Ukwu and second Chukwumah. Do you have that third great one Goddy (khaki) Ezike?

    greatings Richard

  4. jahcisco 16 February 2012 at 20:09 - Reply

    Thanks and nice to see you back.

  5. jahcisco 16 February 2012 at 20:09 - Reply

    Thanks and nice to see you back.

  6. Anonymous 16 February 2012 at 20:44 - Reply

    Moos, it’s wonderful to have you back. Your efforts are very much appreciated, especially by us in colder climates at this time of the year. Thanks again! Veronika

  7. Anonymous 16 February 2012 at 20:44 - Reply

    Moos, it’s wonderful to have you back. Your efforts are very much appreciated, especially by us in colder climates at this time of the year. Thanks again! Veronika

  8. Diabeatz 16 February 2012 at 22:29 - Reply

    This is by far the best site that I have ever encountered. But I don’t understand where it is that I need to give the password. The links automatically go to the mediafire site and gives me the downloading option, yet when I download it and use unrar, the files all have errors and I can’t listen to this great music. Can someone help me clear this issue up?

  9. Diabeatz 16 February 2012 at 22:29 - Reply

    This is by far the best site that I have ever encountered. But I don’t understand where it is that I need to give the password. The links automatically go to the mediafire site and gives me the downloading option, yet when I download it and use unrar, the files all have errors and I can’t listen to this great music. Can someone help me clear this issue up?

  10. moos 16 February 2012 at 22:47 - Reply

    the password should come in when unpacking..

  11. moos 16 February 2012 at 22:47 - Reply

    the password should come in when unpacking..

  12. Choco 16 February 2012 at 23:46 - Reply

    Great stuff again Moos. Thanks!!

    Man, the day when all the high life is re-upped, i will be a content man.

    Loving totally the two Celestine Ukwu albums. Wonderful.

  13. Choco 16 February 2012 at 23:46 - Reply

    Great stuff again Moos. Thanks!!

    Man, the day when all the high life is re-upped, i will be a content man.

    Loving totally the two Celestine Ukwu albums. Wonderful.

  14. LolaRadio 17 February 2012 at 00:06 - Reply

    How could anyone be negative about the things you do for us music lovers…

    We are proud and happy that you won’t give up. African music is the best!
    Moos Oye!

  15. LolaRadio 17 February 2012 at 00:06 - Reply

    How could anyone be negative about the things you do for us music lovers…

    We are proud and happy that you won’t give up. African music is the best!
    Moos Oye!

  16. Many Roots Podcast 17 February 2012 at 04:27 - Reply

    Thank you Moos for all you’re doing for the global music community. Throughout these recent ordeals with record companies and mediafire you have, in my humble opinion, been both clear about your intentions and considerate not to step on others’ toes. I sincerely appreciate all the beautiful music you have posted and are sure to continue sharing.

  17. Many Roots Podcast 17 February 2012 at 04:27 - Reply

    Thank you Moos for all you’re doing for the global music community. Throughout these recent ordeals with record companies and mediafire you have, in my humble opinion, been both clear about your intentions and considerate not to step on others’ toes. I sincerely appreciate all the beautiful music you have posted and are sure to continue sharing.

  18. sulingman 17 February 2012 at 05:15 - Reply

    What do people have to complain about?

  19. sulingman 17 February 2012 at 05:15 - Reply

    What do people have to complain about?

  20. reservatory 17 February 2012 at 06:00 - Reply

    Thanks, as always.

  21. reservatory 17 February 2012 at 06:00 - Reply

    Thanks, as always.

  22. Anonymous 17 February 2012 at 12:03 - Reply

    Much love for keeping the faith, can t thank you enough for such amazing music otherwise I would have never heard.

  23. Anonymous 17 February 2012 at 12:03 - Reply

    Much love for keeping the faith, can t thank you enough for such amazing music otherwise I would have never heard.

  24. Anonymous 17 February 2012 at 15:04 - Reply

    Hey Moos,

    If people come to my house I hope there going to have a good time. If I do my best with the hospitality & they still whinge then perhaps they should go somewhere else that suits them better. I think you (& a number of people who have commented here) have made your point very eloquently & I don’t see why a tiny minority of people are still persisting with negative comments. Never happy some people or just verbal bullies like a certain record label owner whose been banned from here. Blank them I reckon.

    On another subject, Diabeatz. Can I suggest that when you are required to put the password into the box, you copy & paste it exactly & directly from Moos site (its on the right hand side). What you are describing happening I’m guessing is that you have either capitalised a letter you shouldn’t have or added a space where there should not be one so the pass becomes incorrect. Hope this works & happy listening.


  25. Anonymous 17 February 2012 at 15:04 - Reply

    Hey Moos,

    If people come to my house I hope there going to have a good time. If I do my best with the hospitality & they still whinge then perhaps they should go somewhere else that suits them better. I think you (& a number of people who have commented here) have made your point very eloquently & I don’t see why a tiny minority of people are still persisting with negative comments. Never happy some people or just verbal bullies like a certain record label owner whose been banned from here. Blank them I reckon.

    On another subject, Diabeatz. Can I suggest that when you are required to put the password into the box, you copy & paste it exactly & directly from Moos site (its on the right hand side). What you are describing happening I’m guessing is that you have either capitalised a letter you shouldn’t have or added a space where there should not be one so the pass becomes incorrect. Hope this works & happy listening.


  26. FrancoPepeKalle 17 February 2012 at 17:36 - Reply

    DJ Moos,

    You are a genius. Don’t let these idiotic Western fools ruin your blog. You have worked hard to show some great African music. You have done your job. Keep doing it. I am so happy for you. Most people who make fun of your blog are people who are narrow minded. There is a lot of that in my place. So keep going and counterattack idiots who want your blog.

    If you want to talk to me, I am always avaliable through email

  27. FrancoPepeKalle 17 February 2012 at 17:36 - Reply

    DJ Moos,

    You are a genius. Don’t let these idiotic Western fools ruin your blog. You have worked hard to show some great African music. You have done your job. Keep doing it. I am so happy for you. Most people who make fun of your blog are people who are narrow minded. There is a lot of that in my place. So keep going and counterattack idiots who want your blog.

    If you want to talk to me, I am always avaliable through email

  28. Alx 17 February 2012 at 20:39 - Reply

    Hey Moos,
    I’ve just realised you are back and that’s excellent news! I’m sorry I could not send an email to mediafire on time but I will make it up to you in the future if necessary.
    Many thanks for your resilience & generosity and long live Global Groove!!!!!!!


  29. Alx 17 February 2012 at 20:39 - Reply

    Hey Moos,
    I’ve just realised you are back and that’s excellent news! I’m sorry I could not send an email to mediafire on time but I will make it up to you in the future if necessary.
    Many thanks for your resilience & generosity and long live Global Groove!!!!!!!


  30. DiJiT 18 February 2012 at 06:59 - Reply

    Moos is back, and taking no guff.
    I am happy and content to remain were this all began for me, in the Global Groove.
    Thank you for coming back with renewed vigor.
    Any obscure Philip Tabane?

  31. DiJiT 18 February 2012 at 06:59 - Reply

    Moos is back, and taking no guff.
    I am happy and content to remain were this all began for me, in the Global Groove.
    Thank you for coming back with renewed vigor.
    Any obscure Philip Tabane?

  32. Apurva Bahadur 18 February 2012 at 09:05 - Reply

    Nice music Sir, many thanks. Apurva from Pune, India.

  33. Apurva Bahadur 18 February 2012 at 09:05 - Reply

    Nice music Sir, many thanks. Apurva from Pune, India.

  34. Zen 19 February 2012 at 17:43 - Reply

    Fuck the haters, you’ve got something amazing going on here man. As for this record, I’ve been spinning it repeatedly since downloading. So good! Much thanks.


  35. Zen 19 February 2012 at 17:43 - Reply

    Fuck the haters, you’ve got something amazing going on here man. As for this record, I’ve been spinning it repeatedly since downloading. So good! Much thanks.


  36. mark 19 February 2012 at 18:32 - Reply

    Thanks! Much appreciated find. Chukwumah is also featured on the last “Nigeria 70” comp (coincidentally the same track from your earlier Chukwumah post).

  37. mark 19 February 2012 at 18:32 - Reply

    Thanks! Much appreciated find. Chukwumah is also featured on the last “Nigeria 70” comp (coincidentally the same track from your earlier Chukwumah post).

  38. aduna 21 February 2012 at 10:17 - Reply

    Incredible groove! Many thanks…

  39. aduna 21 February 2012 at 10:17 - Reply

    Incredible groove! Many thanks…

  40. Mike D. 21 February 2012 at 18:30 - Reply

    Dear Mr. Moos,

    Glad to see you’re back swinging! And what a great record to return with. Very excited about this Chukwuma LP, I’ve never seen it before. Welcome back!


  41. Mike D. 21 February 2012 at 18:30 - Reply

    Dear Mr. Moos,

    Glad to see you’re back swinging! And what a great record to return with. Very excited about this Chukwuma LP, I’ve never seen it before. Welcome back!


  42. Mike D. 21 February 2012 at 18:54 - Reply


    This record is fantastic! One of the better finds I’ve come across on GG in a very long time. A Chukwuma classic. Many thanks.

    Mike D.

  43. Mike D. 21 February 2012 at 18:54 - Reply


    This record is fantastic! One of the better finds I’ve come across on GG in a very long time. A Chukwuma classic. Many thanks.

    Mike D.

  44. Anonymous 9 April 2017 at 23:25 - Reply

    What the f**k does GG stand for? Geert Gwilders?

    • Moos 10 April 2017 at 07:00 - Reply

      how about global groove..?

  45. Anonymous 22 September 2021 at 08:42 - Reply

    What is this

  46. Moos 22 September 2021 at 11:15 - Reply

    I’m sorry, Anonymous, what is what ?

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