March 2, 2014

Kyerematen Stars – Afenhyiapa Ambassador

Kyerematen Stars, front

About today’s record, this one is for
you Kwabena. Kyerematen Stars with Kyerematen Atwede’s
sweet voice has pleased me every time,
so grab it and share it,
you know the drill..

P.S. The record begins with a lot of talk in Ghanaian,
can you translate this for us Kwabena ?


1 Afenhyiapa
2 Obra ammo
3 Masere m’ano
4 Onua ma yenye adwuma
5 A.k. badu
6 D.k. nyarko


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  1. Kwabena Boakye 2 March 2014 at 13:49 - Reply

    Moos I must say it is an honor anytime you refer to me on this amazing blog which has soo much patronage, but I guess thats my reward for my dedication here. You do a lot for us by giving us these rare albums & the least we can do is to give u feedback to know that your work is appreciated… well since you launched a new feature, It also inspired me to launch a new feature as well…my own

  2. Siyah 2 March 2014 at 18:31 - Reply

    dank u wel!

  3. claytron73 2 March 2014 at 23:23 - Reply

    Thanks, I feel super lucky to be able to hear all these great jams that I otherwise would never know exist!

  4. K.C.MOAN 3 March 2014 at 23:40 - Reply

    Great Record! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Anonymous 10 March 2014 at 00:14 - Reply

    great to hear new stuff from Kyerematen Stars.. love it!!

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