February 11, 2015

Salto Radio Amsterdam


Hello good afternoon, yesterday and today are two crazy
days, loads of work, appointments, busy schedule in short.
In between all that work however there’s also nice things
to do. Two of my Amsterdam friends, also contaged with
original-music virusses invited me for their wednesdaynight
radioshow this evening. I’m happy to go and see what will
happen. I must admit I barely listen to any radio at all so
really have no idea. If you’re interested to listen, these
guys play the rarest tunes imaginable, you can join in
tonight from 22.00 to 24.00 hrs. Dutch time..

Salto Radio

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One Comment

  1. kwabena boakye 13 February 2015 at 12:26 - Reply

    This post reminds me of my days in Amsterdam… there is a nice Ghanaian community in Biljmer where I stayed & I still have some friends playing soccer somewhere in Utrecht … cheers from America

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