January 10, 2016

Dr. Paa Bobo and his International Band
Ene me Ntena, Piba Records

Dr. Paa Bobo, voorkant

Ik had een paar Ghanese platen op de korrel voor vandaag en dit
is ‘m geworden. Paa Bobo’s stijl is de fijnste. Na gewerkt te hebben
met Okukuseku van Kofi Sammy in Nigeria is Paa voor zichzelf be-
gonnen en niet zonder succes. Zijn platen zijn zeer gewild in heel
West Afrika. Ik zeg zeer terecht, dit is werkelijk heerlijke highlife.

I had a few Ghanaian records from which to choose today and this
is the one I picked. Paa Bobo’s style suits me best. After working
with Okukuseku of Kofi Sammy Paa started his own group and not
without succes. His records are in heavy demand all over the West
coast of Africa, I say quite rightly, this truly is delightful highlife.

titels ;

01 – Ene me ntena
02 – Baako yeya
03 – Gyae atete atete
04 – Okwakuo wo ti


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  1. glinka21 11 January 2016 at 18:18 - Reply

    Thanks, Moos!

  2. pete 11 January 2016 at 20:19 - Reply

    Thanks, love paa bobo!!

  3. kwabena boakye 14 January 2016 at 02:24 - Reply

    Yes ths is indeed highlife. Paa Bobo is gone but his music still lives on. Thanks for this.

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