February 5, 2016

Trio Select – Plein Caille
Marc 1971

Trio Select, voorkant

Marc label

Vandaag, beste muziekvrienden, heb ik iets speciaals voor je.
Zanger Gesner Henry die later als Coupé Cloué bekend stond
op een van z’n eerste plaatjes met Trio Select. Een stukje Twou-
badou uit Haïti zoals we dit het liefst hebben. Zeer ontspannen
geluid, twee gitaartjes, een staande bas en klein ritme ernaast.
Ik ben er dol op, jij mag zelf zeggen wat je ervan vindt..

Dear musicfriends, today we’ve got us something quite special.
Singer Gesner Henry who we know as Coupé Cloué in a later
stage on one of his first recordings with Trio Select. A piece
of twoubadou from Haiti the way we like best. Very mellow
sound, two guitars, one double bass and some small
rhythm on the side. I love it, you can
make up your own mind ..

from the web;
“Legend has it that Jean Gesner Henry (1925-1998) went from a career in professional football (soccer) to one as a singer/guitarist. I wrote “legend has it”, because it seems unlikely that there was a professional football league at the end of the 1940’s or in the early 1950’s in Haiti.
Jean made a name for himself as a ‘no-nonsense’defender, which earned him the nickname of Coupé Cloué (“cut and nail down”).
Six years after his first musical steps he started Trio Crystal, which later evolved to Trio Select and, in the early 1970s, into L’Ensemble Select.
He became quite popular too in West Africa, where he was sometimes compared to Franco. A comparison based on his sometimes rude (spoken) lyrics and on his typical guitar style.”

titels ;

01 – Marteau
02 – Couci-couca
03 – Tu me hais
04 – Ratt la
05 – Juge, juge’m bien
06 – La vie vieux negre
07 – Qui li bois
08 – Deux petits pigeons
09 – Shada
10 – Plein caille


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  1. yann 5 February 2016 at 16:57 - Reply

    This is the record that got me into haïtian music. Great up.

    • African Music Recycler 5 February 2016 at 22:54 - Reply

      just thanks!
      not only for this

      greetins from Vienna

  2. juanito 8 February 2016 at 10:02 - Reply

    wauw.. super plaat!!!! dank je voor de share.. HEERLIJK om de dag mee te beginnen..

  3. Anonymous 8 February 2016 at 16:04 - Reply

    This is great! Really like the guitar work here. Thanks for everything. Oakland, CA

  4. Al 12 February 2016 at 17:27 - Reply

    Well, there WAS a Haitian league in the period Coupe Cloue was playing football professionally; about 1948-57. But the Black Eagles of Port au Prince, his team, only reached #4 in the league on two occasions in that period, so obviously his position as a defender didn’t help the team score many goals.

    He was MUCH better at singing than football!

    LOVELY stuff!


  5. GonzalezonSpeed 13 February 2016 at 15:15 - Reply

    Fantastische plaat Moos – ik heb hem afgelopen week minimaal 2x per dag gedraaid,
    cheers !!

  6. Pim 14 February 2016 at 01:18 - Reply

    Bijna gemist deze, terwijl ik net een Haiti-periode doormaak. Dank, komt op de speellijst!

  7. XT 10 May 2016 at 00:27 - Reply

    AMAZING album!!! Absolutely love it!!! Thank you so much for uploading this!

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