June 26, 2016

Nana Kwame Ampadu’s African brothers
Band Internatonal – Oman Bo Adwo
Afribros ABI 1202

African Brothers, voorkant

Uit Ghana zijn dit de African Brothers International onder
leiding van Nana Kwame Ampadu I. We hebben er al heel
wat van hun hand gezien, het lijkt op een verhaal dat nooit
eindigt en dat is maar goed ook. Ik durf te zeggen dat dit een
van de beste groepen is die Ghana ooit heeft voortgebracht.
Deze reis heeft hij ook nog eens niemand minder dan Chief
Kofi Sammy meegebracht, hij doet de achtergrond vokalen
in de titelsong, luister naar ‘Oman Bo Adwo’..

From Ghana these are the African Brothers International
led by nana Kwame Ampadu I. We had quite some of their
albums already, it seems a never ending story and that is a
very good thing. I dare say this is one of the best bands
Ghana ever had. On this journey they also brought
with them the great Chief Kofi Sammy from
Okukuseku, he does backing vocals on the
title song, enjoy ‘Oman Bo Adwo’..

titels ;

01 – Oman bo aswo
02 – Ene no nsiane nhwe
03 – Asaase aban ( yenthe gyae )
04 – Ebeye wo ya


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  1. glinka21 27 June 2016 at 02:42 - Reply

    Still catching up here, after being out of town for a week. Quite the nice present when I got back. Thanks very much, Moos!

  2. Kwabena Boakye 27 June 2016 at 04:13 - Reply

    Always a delight to have the African brothers … Their songs never get old and is truly one of the best bands from Ghana. A good thing about their music is how dynamic they are…. There is always something new to look up to for every African brothers album. Thanks Moos.

  3. Christophe 27 June 2016 at 17:15 - Reply

    Thanks a lot Moos. For the date, see here :

    • Moos 27 June 2016 at 22:40 - Reply

      thank you Christophe, so 1987 it is..

  4. Anonymous 29 June 2016 at 03:34 - Reply

    interesting enough never knew Chief Kofi Sammy was on the back vocals…Track 1
    i always wonder who is that? clearly is he.
    Thanks Moos… love the tit-bits

  5. Luke 13 July 2016 at 07:33 - Reply

    this is amazing thanks you

  6. Mike D. 12 October 2016 at 20:04 - Reply

    This is a great underrated album by the group. Old fave.

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