November 12, 2016

New Orleans Special
The Wild Magnolias, Polydor 1974



Mijn eerste encounter met New Orleans funky muziek moet
eind jaren zestig hebben plaats gevonden. Toen Lee Dorsey
de hit ‘Working in the coalmine’ had. Ik was nog te jong om het
te beseffen. Pas eind jaren zeventig drong het allemaal tot me
door. Met de platen van Dr. John, the Meters e.d. werd duidelijk
hoe geweldig deze muziek is. Het was nóg veel later toen ik kennis
maakte met Bo Dollis en de Wild Magnolias. Hier hebben we hun 1974
album. Een andere groep New Orleans indianen was The Wild Tchoupitoulas,
een soortgelijke band die ook in de jaren zeventig opereerde. Met de
broertjes Neville van de Meters en geproduceerd door Allen toussaint
die ook de hit ‘Working in the coalmine’ had geschreven. Tijdens de Mardi
Gras, het New Orleans carnaval komt het allemaal samen, indianen bont
gekleed de straat op, de muziek uit het stof, één groot feest in de straten.
Hier zijn wat plaatjes om het verhaal kracht bij te zetten, luister..

My first encounter with New Orleans funky music must have taken place
during he end of the sixties when Lee Dorsey had a hit with ‘Working in the
coalmine’. I was too young to realise though. Only by the end of the seventies
it started to become clear to me. listening to Dr. John and the Meters I found
out just how great this music is. Still much later I got aquainted with the music
of Bo Dollis and the Wild magnolias. Today we’ve got their 1974 album. Another
New Orleans Indian group was The Wild Tchoupitoulas, with the brothers Neville
of the Meters and produced by Allen Toussaint who wrote ‘Working in the coalmine’.
They operated around the same time, mid seventies. During the Mardi gras, the
New Orleans carnival, it all comes together, Indians go out dresed in colours and
the streets of New Orleans turn into a big party. Do check these records
to find out, listen and agree, this is wild party stuff..

titels ;

01 – Handa wanda
02 – Smoke my peace pipe
03 – Two way pak a way
04 – Corey died on the battlefield
05 – Soul, soul, soul
06 – Saints



titels ;

01 – Gris-gris gumbo ya ya
02 – Danse kalinda ba doom
03 – mama roux
04 – Danse fambeaux
05 – Croker coutbullion
06 – Jump sturdy
07 – I walk on guilded splinters



titels ;

01 – People say
02 – Love is for me
03 – Just kissed my baby
04 – What’cha say
05 – Jungle man
06 – Hey pocky a-way
07 – It ain’t no use
08 – Loving you is on my mind
09 – Africa
10 – People say ( single version )
11 – Hey pocky a-way ( single version )


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  1. juanito 13 November 2016 at 20:53 - Reply

    a sincere THNX!!!…i was totally into ‘The Wild Tchoupitoulas’ when you posted it back in the day…..lovely sunday groove… =-]

  2. justin 15 November 2016 at 01:32 - Reply

    Hello from New Orleans,
    I love to see our fair city represented in your fantastic blog. New Orleans music is alive and well, these are these are classic recordings you’ll hear if you enter any local shop. Come visit sometime, come for Mardi Gras!
    Keep up the good work Moos

  3. david 17 November 2016 at 17:03 - Reply

    That Meters record is just about the greatest thing since sliced bread! Certainly in my Top10 of all time, and it totally changed the way I felt about American music.

  4. luke 1 December 2016 at 19:35 - Reply

    Thank you so much for these.

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