February 10, 2017

Trio Select – Gros Bambou
Maestro et Vocal Gesner Henry
dit Coupé Cloué
Marc 1973



Hier hebben we nog zo’n relaxte plaat met Gesner Henry
en zijn Trio Select. Het doet je reeds verlangen naar zwoele
zomeravonden maar daar moeten we nog even op wachten.
Een voorschotje dan maar vast, kachel hoog, luister zelf..

Today another mellow disc with Gesner Henry and his Trio
Select. It makes one long for them hot summer nights but
we”l have to be patient for those. Just listen imagining
them and dream away. Enjoy listening..

tracks ;

01 – Gros bambou
02 – Monico
03 – Belle arc en ciel
04 – Orphelin
05 – Can’ cale
06 – Lumiere rouge
07 – Nap fete noel
08 – Creation du monde
09 – Declaration paysan’n
10 – Mariage a new-york


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  1. Mouhamadou 10 February 2017 at 10:44 - Reply

    Magnificent. Completely forgot about Coupé Cloué. Thanks for the publication. Hope to see some rare Senegalese LPs in the future.

  2. Yann 10 February 2017 at 16:28 - Reply

    Wonderful, Moos. Can’t wait to hear the great trio haïtien! Thank you

  3. Anonymous 11 February 2017 at 08:31 - Reply

    Thanks for this wonderful LP, i really enjoyed the other one you posted a while back as well. Track number three is sweet. Oakland CA

  4. Anonymous 13 February 2017 at 20:21 - Reply

    Discovered the music of Coupé Cloué in the mid 80’s and I was immediately charmed by his warm voice. I had 2 cd’s and if I remember correctly the label was mini records. Since then I didn’t find any reissues in the record shops. So again Moos you do me a big favour by posting this. I will have to wait till Friday to listen to it. I am again more occupied with work then I want to. Life is too short when there are so many goodies to discover. Global groove is really a more than amazing blog. Thanks for sharing this with us Rik

  5. Ade Daramy 7 June 2017 at 20:39 - Reply

    How could anyone fail to mention that the first track is a Kreyol version of the famous Calypso ‘Big Bamboo’ of which there have been numerous versions – most famously by The Mighty Sparrow? Coupé Cloué even sings that in this version of the song.

    • Moos 8 June 2017 at 06:11 - Reply

      Personally I think the song has been covered too much so
      I decided to leave it be. BTW, it is so very obvious when you hear it
      that I felt no obligation to mention that this is the same big bamboo..
      thank you for commenting though, if anyone has the right, it is you
      Ade, thank you very much for supporting our beloved Global groove..

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