June 28, 2017

N’Gewel International de Dakar
Soumbouya Musique 1978



Global Groove is not the first blog to bring this album, yet I could
not resist. N’Gewel International de Dakar’s music is so wonderful
and atmospheric, astonishing sounds you can’t miss out on..

Noem het onorigineel of kortweg flauw, dit is niet het eerste blog
dat deze plaat brengt. Toch kon ik niet weerstaan hem te plaatsen.
Voor wie hem nog niet had, let op. Voor je’t weet zweef je door de
kamer, vlak onder het plafond en kom je maar met moeite weer
met de voetjes op de vloer. Heerlijk zeilspul uit Senegal..

tracks ;

01 – Laagia
02 – Sama n’goro ak suma pel bi
03 – N’denkaane
04 – Yobalema
05 – Munu mala baayi
06 – Echale salsita


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  1. Max aka doyadig 28 June 2017 at 20:43 - Reply

    thanks a lot, yes this is really an excellent album. Been trying to find the other one “Xaadim” originally released on Discafrique label for a while with no success.

    • Mouhamadou 4 July 2017 at 02:40 - Reply

      Same here. I’ve been looking for it for ages and no luck. Someone was supposed to send it it to me, but he’s taking forever.

      • reservatory 26 March 2018 at 12:35 - Reply

        Again, how did I miss this? Many belated thanks, with compound interest.

  2. Mouhamadou 28 June 2017 at 21:12 - Reply

    Great Senegalese band with the legendary duo Pape Djiby Ba and the late Pape Mboup who did an amazing job on this LP. They recorded together 2 albums in the late 80’s and mid 90’s. These were the times when Senegalese music used to be so wonderful. Miss that era. I’m still waiting for more of Ernesto Djedje, Lougah Francois, Bopol, Gnonnas Pedro,etc. Thanks and keep up the good work.

  3. anon 1 July 2017 at 06:09 - Reply

    Is this the same Papa Mboup who was in (Super) Diamono’s first album (75?)

    • Mouhamadou 4 July 2017 at 02:39 - Reply

      That’s him. He passed away recently.

  4. Gregg 2 July 2017 at 13:58 - Reply

    Not ussualy a great fan of Senegal music (sorry) but this starts sooooo gooooood.

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