June 29, 2017

Trio Select
Maestro & Vocal Gesner Henry
dit “Coupé Cloué”
Cribiche, Marc Records 1974


Hello groovers, today we’ve got us another sweet mellow album
with Jean Gesner Henry or Coupé Cloué. A name he got as a
soccerplayer in his early days. This one is from 1974 and was
recorded with his Trio Select, it is their fourth record. Coupé
Cloué made a bunch of records, we’ll be back with more..

Alweer zo’n lekker mellow twoubadou plaatje met Coupé Cloué.
Deze stamt uit 1974 en werd opgenomen met zijn Trio Select.
Zeer bekende Haïtiaanse grappenmaker en gitarist, vroeger
voetballer. Maakte vele albums waarvan dit nummer vier is.
Wordt zeker nog vervolgd, stay tuned voor meer..

tracks ;

01 – Cribiche
02 – Parole gran moune
03 – Palabras del cielo
04 – Mauvaise habitude
05 – Ti’ came
06 – Coule bouesson
07 – Mama
08 – Triste sort
09 – Coumbite no.3
10 – Beau frère mange en pile


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  1. Anonymous 1 July 2017 at 01:18 - Reply

    More great sounds from these guys. Thanks, much appreciated! Oakland ca

  2. Anonymous 3 July 2017 at 00:27 - Reply

    love the coupé cloué, as always. thanks, moos.

  3. […] Septentrional 1980 Coupé Cloué, The Preacher 1978 Coupé Cloué, St. Antoine #2 1974 Coupé Cloué, Cribiche 1974 Coupé, Cloué, Gros Bambou 1973 Coupé Cloué, En Dedans 1980 Coupé Cloué, Ti Bom 1978 The […]

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