October 8, 2017

C.K. Opong and his Marble Rollers of Ghana
Pam-Pam Sound of Africa PAMLP 006


Accidentally I saw on Discogs that people were searching for a
decent vinylrip of this album. I don’t have an account there and
do not want to make one but I can still make the rip and help out.
Maybe one of you can inform them. I can’t tell you anything useful
about C.K Opong and his Marble Rollers of Ghana. Listening to it
is what I can offer you so enjoy doing so..

produced by Pam-Pam Sound of Africa
26 Bright St Onitsha Anam Bara State Nigeria

Toevallig zag ik op Discogs dat er van de week werd gezocht naar
een goede vinylrip van deze plaat. Zelf heb ik daar geen account
en wil die ook niet maar dat neemt niet weg dat ik de liefhebber
een dienst bewijs door hem vandaag te plaatsen. Ik kan je er niets
zinnigs over vertellen, zelf uitzoeken zou ik zeggen. Luisteren
kunnen we er wel naar dus veel plezier daarbij..

tracks ;

01 – Agyanka adidiemu
02 – Onyame di yen anim
03 – Onipa nse hwee
04 – Aware fo
05 – Me yi onyame aye
06 – Dabi mobe kae me


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  1. kwabena boakye 8 October 2017 at 13:11 - Reply

    Thank you Moos… they will find it here if they want it bad enough … you made my weekend with this one.

  2. glinka21 9 October 2017 at 01:29 - Reply

    Thanks as ever, Moos. It makes me wonder how much more fine Ghanan highlife (early or late) is out there awaiting rediscovery. We need preservation tools: catalog lists, discographies, master tapes–and our chances of ever getting these for most great artists of Africa are, unfortunately, slim.

  3. Mike D. 20 December 2017 at 06:23 - Reply

    Never heard this one, thanks.

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