November 6, 2017

Adawa King Admiral Dele Abiodun
and his Top Hitters Band
For Better For Worse, Olumo 1980




On special request I am posting this album by Adawa King Admiral
Dele Abiodun today. It is from 1980. I never considered marrying
myself, but off course everybody decides for him/her self. I am
always quite impressed by Dele’s guitar skills, the juju rocks
like crazy and also the rhythm section stands out on this record.
In short, for lovers of juju, a contribution worth at least
a couple of spins..

Op speciaal verzoek plaats ik vandaag dit album van Adawa King
Admiral Dele Abiodun uit 1980. Zelf moet ik niet aan een huwelijk
denken maar ieder z’n ding natuurlijk. Ik ben wel altijd zeer onder
de indruk van Dele’s gitaar kwaliteiten, de juju pruttelt heerlijk door
en het slagwerk is ook buitengewoon goed op deze plaat.
Kortom, een aanwinst voor de juju liefhebber..

tracks ;

01 – For better for worse
– Ro ko to se
– E ba je ka ro ori wo
02 – Ke ni man
– Temi l’oluwa
– Igba oko
– A o ni ba won ja


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  1. glinka21 7 November 2017 at 18:01 - Reply

    Thanks much, Moos! For a bit, I was thinking that you’d moved over completely to the Hispanic side of things. Which isn’t meant as a slam at that music, but I don’t listen to it. There’s room for all of it, and I only wish that back in the 1970s I’d been savvy enough to pick up these albums–even while I was scouting bins for rare Eastern European classical labels.

    • Moos 8 November 2017 at 08:35 - Reply

      that’s cool Glinka, did you also explore the Romanian Electrecord label ?

      • glinka21 8 November 2017 at 23:58 - Reply

        Hell, yes! I’ve got about 60 LPs: Alessandrescu, Dragoi, Vancea, Ion Dumitrescu, Lipatti (his works, rather than his piano playing), Glodeanu, Paul Constantinescu, Andricu, etc. Unforrtunately, I haven’t set up my old turntable since we moved, but hope to do it soon.

        • Moos 9 November 2017 at 08:36 - Reply

          wonderful music, that stuff is very hard to find nowadays..

  2. Barron Beshoar 12 November 2017 at 09:38 - Reply

    An exceptionally fine slab of juju, Moos. As you noted, the guitar work is fantastic.
    Thank you for sharing this with us.

  3. peacenik 12 November 2017 at 10:22 - Reply

    Thanks Moos for introducing me to the Admiral, love the guitar work on this.

  4. Ehijie Eirebamen 16 December 2017 at 09:18 - Reply

    do you have any Sunny Ade, especially this album called “Surprise”? i have been looking for this album for a long time please. thank you

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