March 28, 2018

Les Gypsies de Petion-Ville – Haïti
Macaya 1976


Just like with Scorpio also with Les Gypsies de Petion-Ville it is
Robert Martino who deals the cards. I also love the drumming
part on this record. Another great piece of compas from Haïti
you don’t want to miss, get it now..

Net als bij Scorpio is ook bij Les Gypsies de Petion-Ville Robert
Martino de man die de scepter zwaait. Daarnaast is het vooral
de drummer die enorm opvalt op deze plaat. Alweer zo’n stukkie
compas uit Haïti dat je zeker niet zult willen missen,
pak hem snel..

01 – La tulipe
02 – Si demain
03 – Sabotage
04 – Espoir
05 – Dime
06 – A ma fille
07 – Pa colle


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  1. grapo 28 March 2018 at 18:18 - Reply

    thank You very much for these sweet compas – always a pleasure :-)

  2. Anonymous 28 March 2018 at 23:00 - Reply

    Hey thanks for this Moos – more wonderful compas from Haiti – I love it and you share so much fantastic music. Best wishes from mamboPete

    • Moos 28 March 2018 at 23:21 - Reply

      Hey Mambo, long time, good to see you’re still here..

  3. Anonymous 30 March 2018 at 21:53 - Reply

    wonderful! Thanks for this jam.

  4. GonzalezonSpeed 30 March 2018 at 22:39 - Reply

    une disque superbe .. merci beaucoup !!

  5. Pim 31 March 2018 at 21:06 - Reply

    Altijd onweerstaanbaar, compas uit Haïti. Deze ken ik nog niet, ben benieuwd!

  6. Jean-Luc 12 May 2018 at 08:39 - Reply

    Under the musical influence from Exile One who visited Haiti, all mini jazz bands added a horn section. Les Gypsies were becoming Scorpio. Les Difficiles were becoming D.P. Express.

    Two songs from “Courage, Album III” were played end of the 80s by Dave van Dijk on dutch radio – those songs are still my favorite of Les Gypsies.

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