May 4, 2018

10 Years Global Groove
Anniversary Party Mix
Various Artists


On monday may the 5th 2008 the Global Groove was born. I remember very well,
a little insecure I posted my first album on the blog. It was ‘In the Sixties’
by Dr. Victor Abimbola Olaiya. What an album to start with, it is still one
of the better records at the Global Groove. Over the years a lot has happened.
We suffered a couple of crises when the free webhosters threw away the complete
back catalog of the site. That was a stressful time of course, and we had to start
all over. Upload the lot to another webhost and hoping the same thing would not
happen again. Naturally it did occur all over again a little later. Eventually
I decided to rent me a server of my own but that meant building a whole new site.
Blogspot also deleted some of our posts over time so we couldn’t trust them as
well. The only way to make sure it would not happen again is being completely
independent. Looking back at ten years of blogging however is a happy thing.
Learned so much. Due to downloading at our collegues blogs as well I kept
learning and discovering new styles and artists. Collecting more and different
types of music was the result. I owe a lot to several other blogs, Loronix of
Zecalouro to begin with. Just before I started, in february 2008, I went
visiting him in Rio de Janeiro when I was there spending holidays. We talked
a lot, shared our visions and went to some of his favorite record stores in
Leme. We went out for lunch and spent an afternoon I am not likely to forget.
Of course I also spoke with his little parrot who was the face of Loronix.
Next to Zeca, I am grateful to a bunch of other bloggers. I have learned a
lot through sites like Worldservice, Likembe, Holy Warbles ( who went under,
I am still sad over it and will come back at this in a later stage ), Nauma
of the Spear ( who also suffered losses ), Ambiamce Congo, Forró en Vinyl,
Gerrit from Lola Vandaag, Henk Madrotter, Snap, Crackle & pop, Yoyo
from Aural Joy, Electric Jive and many others. Youtube, google and the world
wide web in general provided a service without which it wouldn’t have been
the same. To create the new and independent Global Groove I thank Yvan Kat
and digital friends without whom the Groove would probably have disappeared.
You as visitors also play an important role, without visitors and the necessary
communication a blog like this would not have the right to exist. So many thanks
to people like Gonzalez on Speed who brought back records from Panama, Arnaud
who put my attention to the music from the West Indies, and of course Sanjay
Agarwal who brought home piles of records from Colombia. Record dealers from
the fair in Utrecht, without you guys the groove would not be what it is
today. Aidan from France, Radio Martiko from Belgium, Alex and Edo from
Vintage Voodoo in Amsterdam, Remy Joigneaux from France and many others,
thanks for bringing all the topnotch records to us.

It almost sounds like saying goodbye but that is not the case of course.
I plan to continue at least another ten years. Piles of records are still
waiting to find their way to you. To celebrate the first ten years, I have
made you this collector of numbers I specially saved for today. It contains
songs from countries like Angola, Brazil, Congo, Colombia,
Romania and Jamaica, enjoy listening.

Op Maandag, de 5de mei 2008, was het zover. De Global Groove was geboren.
Ik weet het nog goed, een tikkeltje onzeker plaatste ik de eerste post op het blog.
het was ‘In the Sixties’ van Dr. Victor Abimbola Olaiya. Wat een geweldige plaat
om mee te beginnen. Nog steeds een van de betere platen op de Groove.
Ondertussen is er veel gebeurd, enkele malen in de crisis gezeten omdat de gratis
webhosters de complete inhoud van de site hadden geëlimineerd. Stress natuurlijk,
en weer opnieuw beginnen. Alles weer oploaden naar een andere webhost en dan
maar hopen dat het niet nog eens gebeurt. Dat was natuurlijk wel het geval even
later. Uiteindelijk besloten dan maar zelf een server te huren, maar ja, dan
moet er ook een nieuwe site komen welke ook op de server draait. Ook Blogspot
was niet te vertrouwen, zij hadden ook al diverse malen hele posts verwijderd
dus de enige manier om zeker te weten dat je eigen baas blijft is dan alles
in eigen beheer te doen. Terug kijkend op tien jaar toch over het algemeen blij.
Zoveel geleerd. Door zelf ook te blijven downloaden bij de collega’s werd ik
steeds wijzer en ben ik allerlei stromingen mooie muziek gaan ontdekken en
verzamelen. Ik ben diverse andere blogs veel dank verschuldigd. Om te beginnen
Zecalouro’s Loronix. Vlak voordat ik begon, in februari 2008 ben ik nog bij
hem op bezoek geweest in Rio de Janeiro. We hebben veel gepraat, ideeën
uitgewisseld en naar enkele van zijn favoriete platenzaken geweest. We zijn
gaan lunchen en hebben er een middag van gemaakt die ik niet snel zal vergeten.
Ook met zijn kleine papegaai gesproken natuurlijk die het gezicht van Loronix
was. Naast Zeca ben ik vele andere bloggers dankbaar. Ik heb veel nieuwe
muziek leren kennen door Worldsevice, Likembe, Holy Warbles ( die tot mijn
grote spijt ten onder is gegaan, ik kom daar later zeker nog eens op terug ),
Nauma van de Spear ( die ook al eens zware verliezen moest lijden ) Ambiance
Congo, Forró em Vinyl, Gerrit van Lola Vandaag, Henk Madrotter, Snap, Crackle
& Pop, Yoyo van Aural Joy, Electric Jive en vele anderen. Youtube en google,
en het web in het algemeen hebben zeer waardevolle service geleverd, zonder
hen was het niet hetzelfde geweest. Voor het opzetten van de onafhankelijke
Global Groove gaat veel dank uit naar Yvan Kat en zijn digitale vrienden,
zonder hen zou de hele site niet meer bestaan hebben. Ook jullie als bezoekers
spelen een grote rol, zonder bezoekers en de waardevolle communicatie over van
alles en nog wat heeft een blog als de Global Groove natuurlijk ook geen
enkel bestaansrecht. Dus veel dank aan mensen als Arnaud die me wakker
schudde op gebied van muziek uit Haïti, Gonzalez on Speed die terugkwam uit
Panama met mooie platen en natuurlijk Sanjay Agarwal die bergen mooie platen
uit Colombia thuis bracht. Handelaren van de beurs in Utrecht, ook zonder
jullie inzet geen GG zoals die nu bestaat. Radio Martiko uit België,
Aidan uit Frankrijk, Edo en Alex van Vintage Voodoo uit Amsterdam,
Remy Joigneaux uit Frankrijk en vele anderen.

Het klinkt bijna als een slot akkoord maar dat is het vanzelfsprekend
niet. We gaan nog zeker tien jaar door als het aan mij ligt. Er staan
hier nog stapels platen te wachten om hun weg naar jou te vinden. Om
deze eerste tien jaar te vieren heb ik deze alvast voor je gemaakt.Een
verzameling nummers die ik voor vandaag heb vezameld uit diverse landen
als Angola, Brazilië, Congo, Colombia, Roemenië
en Jamaica. veel plezier ermee.

tracks ;

01 – Jamelao – Acaba como eu
02 – Conjunto Legal – Te voy olvidando
03 – Gilson de Souza – Poxa
04 – Avozinho – Mama divua diame
05 – El Trio Fonseca – La mariposa
06 – Aurita Castillo y su Conjunto – Chambacu
07 – Leroy Smart – Let your heart be pure
08 – Sofia Rosa – Ngala ni jienda
09 – Jair Rodrigues – Na beira do mangue
10 – Bokalanga Mazole – Vanga sanga
11 – Correia da Silva – Manha cedinho na praia
12 – The Lone Ranger – Natty Burial
13 – Gabi Lunca – Oameni buni si draga lume
14 – Os kiezos – Quem não faz filhos
15 – Angel Vasquez y su Conjunto – Arroz con coco
16 – Yuri da Cunha – Ku Muxitu
17 – Elza Soares – A corda e a cacamba
18 – Artur Nunes – Kima kingui fua


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  1. Matthias 5 May 2018 at 07:34 - Reply

    Happy anniversary and thank you very, very much for all the fine work you did. You introduced me to a lot of music that I would never have heard otherwise. Thanks!!!

  2. Muzz 5 May 2018 at 10:36 - Reply

    Congratulations and thank you Moos. The work you do to keep this blog going is greatly appreciated. I’m looking forward to the next ten years.

  3. nick beddow 5 May 2018 at 12:01 - Reply

    Thanks Moos!! Looking forward to the next ten years (I’ll be 71!) cheers, Nick

  4. Kurt Sörensen 5 May 2018 at 12:25 - Reply

    My favourite blog! Keep up the good work!
    Kurt GS

  5. Kurt Schwitters 5 May 2018 at 13:43 - Reply

    Moos, thanks for all the great work and shares.

    After many years, I still check every morning to see what is new here.

  6. Micky Lion 5 May 2018 at 14:04 - Reply


    THANKS Moos


    Micky Lion

  7. Will 5 May 2018 at 14:54 - Reply

    Hi and Happy Birthday

    Thanks for all your great posts. I recently came across this dead blog he stopped posting in 2013 but many of his links are still alive and may be of interest to you.

  8. mogo 5 May 2018 at 15:11 - Reply

    And we owe you 10 years and thousands of LPs debt. We all have to live to 200 years old to even enjoy them. Much much love and enormous thanks for ‘our’ (meaning your) music collections.

  9. Andrew 5 May 2018 at 15:15 - Reply

    Congratulations and thanks for all the great music.

  10. Good to Go! 5 May 2018 at 17:45 - Reply

    Cheers! I did a quick count last week (data managing my iTunes library) and I have over 100 albums downloaded from you. I can’t say thank you enough times… but here’s one more, thank you!!!

  11. gerrit 5 May 2018 at 18:00 - Reply

    Hieperdepiep, Moos!!!! You are a beaken of light and music in these dark ages

  12. Doug S 5 May 2018 at 18:47 - Reply

    Ten brilliant and generous years! I am grateful. Thank you.

  13. Tom 5 May 2018 at 20:07 - Reply

    Wow — 10 years. Now you are making me wistful. At that time my older son was just born and my African music obsession was just taking hold. Your site was one of the very first that I discovered and hundreds of songs in my collection are owed to you. What you have done for me is utterly invaluable and you have my undying thanks. I myself have had my own crises, like most people — itunes glitches, viruses, computer meltdowns. Somehow, through it all, I maintained my collection of ones and zeroes. From “In the Sixties” I have “wafia we lawani” and “pariboto riboto” and those came from your site so long ago. I may have said this before, but you do deserve a Nobel Prize, sir. Thanks again.

  14. Tarek 5 May 2018 at 21:14 - Reply

    Dear Moos,

    Happy Anniversary!!! Thank you sooooo much for the incredible music that you have shared with all of us. This is the best gift one can possibly offer. I have discovered so much thanks to you and will be eternally grateful . I wish you and us many more years of global groove.

    One Love,


  15. Anonymous 5 May 2018 at 21:54 - Reply

    Thank for this great blog!

    Greetings from Cologne, Germany

  16. Jonathan E. 6 May 2018 at 04:11 - Reply

    Happy birthday and thanks for a wonderful 10 years. Congratulations on your survival.

    With respect and lone, Jonathan E.

  17. Jonathan E. 6 May 2018 at 04:12 - Reply

    That was supposed to be LOVE not “lone”!

  18. Anonymous 6 May 2018 at 05:15 - Reply

    Let me congratulate you on a job well done. you spoil us all and we are grateful. Thank you very much.

  19. anon 6 May 2018 at 15:00 - Reply

    Happy anniversary. Thanks for all the music. And the writeups.

  20. Mynd 6 May 2018 at 17:38 - Reply

    Thank you so much for the great work you are doing and have done enriching the lives of music lovers around the world.

    Thank you thank you thank you.

  21. chocoa 6 May 2018 at 20:51 - Reply

    10 years of tirelessly sharing fantastic music! thanks so much for this.

  22. scott 6 May 2018 at 21:11 - Reply

    Love your blog – thanks very much for the time you put into it.

  23. Anonymous 6 May 2018 at 21:27 - Reply

    All the best for you!!

  24. Antonio 7 May 2018 at 01:13 - Reply

    Muchas Felicidades Feliz Anivesario Moss Saludos Desde Mexico Amigo

  25. yabanjin 7 May 2018 at 02:07 - Reply

    Happy Birthday and congratulations on such an achievement. But even more than that, a huge THANK YOU!
    I have found so much amazing music here and am eternally grateful for all you have done to share those beautiful, valuable creations.

  26. kwabena boakye 7 May 2018 at 04:01 - Reply

    It has been an exciting journey so far and I am glad to have shared some of the experience with you…. keep the music coming … happy anniversary and long live the global groove!

  27. libodo 7 May 2018 at 08:54 - Reply

    Merci Mos pour tous ces magnifiques albums partagés au fil des ans.
    Longue vie a Globalgroove !

  28. Biu 7 May 2018 at 22:54 - Reply

    Thank you so much, Moos! Your website is always going to be my home page! :)

  29. Peacenik 7 May 2018 at 23:32 - Reply

    Congratulations Moos! Your efforts on keeping the music alive is commendable, and it’s a great pleasure checking out artists from all over the globe. Keep on groovin’!

  30. DiJiT 8 May 2018 at 04:26 - Reply

    ..and the blog played on!! THANK YOU MOOS!!
    You brighten my life, 10 years on, through a messy divorce, kids grown and moved on, and the juju kept me sane through it ALL!!
    One of the first ‘blogs’ I stumbled across, so grateful you kept bouncing back.
    Cheers to 10 more years!

  31. Anonymous 8 May 2018 at 17:37 - Reply

    Makorokoto . How many of the albums I lost when I returned from Zimbabwe did I find on your blog . Music I though I would never hear again,. Tatenda, Rik

  32. Arnaud 9 May 2018 at 09:08 - Reply

    Joyeux Anniversaire Doctor Moos !

  33. Anonymous 10 May 2018 at 11:43 - Reply

    I want to add my thanks to this long list. So much wonderful and unforgettable music shared here Moos. Well it won’t be forgotten now! mamboPete

  34. Anonymous 11 May 2018 at 17:21 - Reply

    I’ve said it here before but you have magical powers the way you conjure up these rare records and then share them. Was pretty proud of my album collection 10 years ago, now the mp3s of albums on my computer make that collection look a little modest and I reckon the majority of my favourites come from your blog. Happy anniversary and even more power to your searching in the next 10. Completing the African 360. series or Francos discography. That would be a fine dream no?



  35. Torchy56 12 May 2018 at 17:34 - Reply

    Happy anniversary Moos, and hopefully many more to come.
    Maybe some day you’ll come across and post Jobby Valente’s “Flash Back” .

  36. Anonymous 14 May 2018 at 02:30 - Reply


  37. glinka21 15 May 2018 at 15:49 - Reply

    Happy 10th, Moos! Best source of African pop online. And you’ve held out against the faux vigilantes that want to shut this all down, too. Well done.

  38. Justin 17 May 2018 at 22:12 - Reply

    you’re wonderful. keep spreading joy and I will keep passing it along too. <3

  39. Juanito 29 May 2018 at 10:31 - Reply

    feliz cumpleaños!! muchas gracias por todos estos años de excelente música. Es verdaderamente un lugar ‘obligado’ en esta jungla llamada internet. Le deseo a usted y a nosotros muchos más años de grandes momentos para escuchar, coleccionar y amar la música. gran trabajo y gran dedicación!!


  40. Nick from Berlin 31 May 2018 at 06:53 - Reply

    Yes dear Moos! I want to add my thanks to this long lost of tributes. You are a total star! So many amazing sounds I’ve discovered by checking in with your blog from time to time. And I love the way your write about the records – with such affection and enthusiasm. Here’s to another decade!

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