September 26, 2018

Bhundu Boys – Tsvimbodzemoto
DiscAfrique 1987



Luister vandaag eens naar de Bhundu Boys, ze mixten chimurenga
met pop enzo en noemden het Jit. Aanstekelijke sound uit Zimbabwe.
Zeer frisse plaat uit 1987 die je vast wel even zal vermaken, enjoy..

Listen to the Bhundu Boys for a change today, they mixed chimurenga
with pop and such and called it Jit. Contageous Zimbabwean sound.
Very fresh and clean album which will certainly please you for a while..

tracks ;

01 – Tsvimbodzemoto
02 – Pendeke
03 – Vakaparei
04 – Kupedza muto
05 – Wafungeyiko
06 – Simbimbino
07 – Chekudya chose
08 – Nhai mukoma
09 – Une shuwa
10 – Chimanimani


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  1. Anonymous 26 September 2018 at 17:22 - Reply

    The cover pic is so familiar to me. buying meat at the butcher in Warren Park Harare to go and let it braai in the beer hall, while enjoying the music with a bollinghers lager. Sometimes with chips on the side mostly with sadza. Golden days Although the Bundhu Boys are not my most favorite Zim band this record (again) brings back good memories. Rik

    • Moos 27 September 2018 at 05:36 - Reply

      I envy you Rik, never having been in those African countries you tell about so passionately..

  2. Anonymous 27 September 2018 at 03:30 - Reply

    I saw too late that i wrote Bohlinger’s wrong. F#cking smartphone.!?
    Corrected for all beer lovers Rik

  3. Anonymous 27 September 2018 at 18:34 - Reply

    I had the chance to work there. Never saw the tourist attractions but enjoyed a very lively local cultural scene. My wife and kids are born in Zim. I was also lucky to visit a few times Congo, Zambia and Rwanda for several months when I was a teenager,. Again no staying in hotels but with relatives and local friends . Eating real African food and sometimes no electricity or running water. The problem is that after this life , it affects you in a way that you always miss the life that side. Of course we still visit Zim and have contact with relatives using whatap or skype. But dont worry you went to Brasil. I am sure you enjoyed that country too . I am dreaming to visit South America one day. Cheers mate

    • Moos 28 September 2018 at 06:04 - Reply your story Rik, cheers..

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