September 5, 2018

Les Fantaisistes d’Haïti – Ti Sonson
Disques Célini RCG 10000


Donder, bliksem en zware regenval, normaal gezien zouden
we dat minder fijn vinden. Op dit moment echter worden we
er in Nederland behoorlijk blij van. Na de droogste zomer ooit
is wat water zeer welkom. Ook op Haïti heeft men deze hele
week regen, hoe blij men er daar mee is weet ik even niet. Deze
oude jongens zal het waarschijnlijk wel worst wezen, die hebben
al het één en ander meegemaakt op hun tropische eiland.
Luister nog eens naar Les Fantaisistes d’Haïti..

Thunder, lightning and heavy rainfall, normally we would not
be very amused with it. This instant however it makes the Nether-
lands pretty happy. After the dryiest summer ever a little water is
very welcome. On Haïti it is raining too this whole week, I’m not
sure if it pleases the people there. These old guys will probably
not care a whole lot, they have had their part on the tropical
island. Listen once again to les Fantaisistes d’Haïti..

tracks ;

01 – Ti sonson
02 – Bon dieu fait belles fleurs
03 – Ti fi laide
04 – Nan rue nozie
05 – Cérémonie loa
06 – Sylvie
07 – Carnaval fantaisistes
08 – Compas vi
09 – Crème a la glace
10 – Saliendo haïti
11 – Malaïka
12 – Célini prix nobel


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  1. Anonymous 5 September 2018 at 08:47 - Reply

    beautiful, merci!

  2. Anonymous 4 October 2018 at 06:31 - Reply

    I was wondering if you could post the Rosalie album by Les Fantaisistes. The only version I heard has the last 4 tracks in bad condition. Also, if you have anymore old school compas like them. Thank you.

  3. Anonymous 4 October 2018 at 06:38 - Reply

    I also wanted to say thank you for all the albums you post from around the world. This is a great site and I really appreciate that you upload these albums just to share your music collection with the world. Not many people would do this. One website I know, you may get an album, but it turns out that it is bad quality and it is really unfortunate since these kinds of albums are rare. So again, I say thank you for your work and for posting quality albums at a high standard.

    • Moos 5 October 2018 at 04:45 - Reply

      ..happy to hear you like’m, cheers Virgile, stay tuned..

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