October 30, 2018

Semana Cubana
Orquesta Revé, Elio Revé y su Charangon
Que Cuento es Ese … , Egrem / Areito 1988



This is another album with the late and great Elio Revé Matos.
His Changüí style is in fact an old form of son. It was long forgotten
until Elio Revé took it up and re-invented it so to speak. This 1988
record contains a few of his biggest hits, sweet rhythms and vocals
you don’t want to miss. Get it and spread it..

Hier hebben we nog zo’n fijne plaat met de ‘late & great’ Elio Revé
Matos. Zijn Changüí, salsa stijl is eigenlijk een lange tijd vergeten
vorm van de son die door Elio Revé is opgepakt en nieuw leven is
ingeblazen. Deze elpee uit 1988 bevat enkele van zijn grootste hits.
Heerlijke ritmes en vokalen, luister en huiver..

tracks ;

01 – tema changüí
02 – La gente no se puede aguantar
03 – Mas viejo que ayer, mas joven que mañana
04 – Que te importa a ti!
05 – Yo no quiero que seas celosa
06 – Aqui te traigo un merengue son
07 – Recuerdos de aquel solar
08 – Que cuento es ese!



  1. niyi 30 October 2018 at 15:50 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    Seems you uploaded Empire Bakuba’s Obosini Kisomele LP before on the old blogspot website but it’s not on this website. Can you reup please?


    • Moos 30 October 2018 at 16:42 - Reply

      I’ll do it right after Semana Cubana..
      thank you for reporting..

  2. Moos 5 November 2018 at 06:05 - Reply

    Dear Niyi, the album Obosine Kisomele was taken from the blog because Syllart had threatened with lawyers if I would leave it. I’m afraid I can’t re-post it for that reason, sorry..

  3. Juan F. 25 November 2018 at 16:52 - Reply

    Hi, thanks a lot for the Revé, one of my favorites! Could you upload his 1991 album “Mi Salsa Tiene Sandunga”? I haven’t found it anywhere! It has a bunch of great tunes like Asi Soy y Que, Tremendo Chu Chu Chu, Ibiano and the title track.
    Here’s the tracklist:

    Mind you, there’s a compilation that has the same title but it’s not the same album.

    • Moos 25 November 2018 at 21:21 - Reply

      I have just found it, will post it soon..

  4. […] Salsa Tiene Sandunga 1991 Que Cuento es Ese 1988 Changüi 1982 La Explosion del Momento 1987 El Ritmo Changüi Rumberos Latino-Americanos […]

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