November 17, 2018

Macario Prudencia y Continental Combo
Bros-Bros, FAC Records 1978


Way back in 2008 we had one album from Curaçao, one of
the Dutch Antilles. Today the second here at the GG. Macario
Prudencia comes in with this strong piece of I don’t know how
to call it. When I found it they told me it is salsa but I don’t think
this is the right description for this type of music. What ever the
proper name is, it sounds wonderful. Happy dancing tunes..

Zo’n tien jaar terug alweer hadden we eens een plaatje uit Curaçao.
Vandaag hebben we dan eindelijk een vervolg. Macario Prudencia en
Continental Combo zijn hier met een sterk staaltje, ja wat eigenlijk..
Toen ik de plaat vond werd me verteld dat het salsa is maar ik denk
dat dit niet helemaal de juiste beschrijving is voor dit soort muziek.
Hoe het ook heten mag, het klinkt heerlijk. Blije dans tunes..

tracks ;
01 – Bros-bros
02 – Cadushi
03 – Judas
04 – Awor cuantor
05 – Kwidow cu bo lenga
06 – Mi kier sali cu bo
07 – Bonieru
08 – Mi ta duna
09 – Rabu
10 – Charlie


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  1. Anonymous 17 November 2018 at 14:25 - Reply

    Hi Moos,

    Thanks for uploading an album from the Dutch Caribbean. I think that it’s bad manners to make requests, since a collector like myself has discogs, Amazon, and other online and local stores to hunt and buy music. However, I’ve always wished that you would post music from Suriname and the ABC Islands that are not easily available where I live. Finally, I haven’t listened to the album yet, but it may be salsa Antiyana, tumba, or a pan Caribbean mix. Thanks Moos.

    • Moos 18 November 2018 at 05:50 - Reply

      thanks Alexsam, you are right about the salsa antiyana, David just told me the same thing. About music from Suriname and ABC islands, hard to find decent stuff, but I’ll keep trying..

  2. Moos 18 November 2018 at 05:47 - Reply

    David has sent us this mail which contains good info..

    Salsa Antiano is the name of the style of Macario Prudencia. It’s similar to some music one can find in the state of Pará in the far eastern end of the Amazon in Brazil, like some Carimbó stuff. Nice stuff in both places. There are Dutch influences both in Curação and in the Northeast and North of Brasil (until 1654 when the Portugues drove out the Dutch, who fled to the Dutch Antilles and New Amsterdam, especially the Dutch Jews who would have faced the Inquisition. You must know to the relations historically between the Iberians and the Dutch in that era in Amesterdam, the Caribbean, and in o Brasil. By the way, one can find influences of Calypso in both styles. You can hear it in street music if you visit Belem, Pará. At least you could up until two years ago, which is the most recent visit for me.

    Grato para todos as musicas vc está dando pra nós cada semana. A vida é mais rico por causa dessa.

  3. Anonymous 18 November 2018 at 10:12 - Reply

    It is called ”Salsa Antiano”, thanks for the album!

  4. Pete 19 November 2018 at 06:10 - Reply

    Moos, can you advice me please via Email on how to create such a website like this one? How much do you need to pay per month, how much upload space do you have, is it easy to maintain, … Thanks in advance. Best wishes, Pete

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